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The Kirat Kingdom

Yalambar was the first king of the Kirat Kingdom who established it in 800 BC. He ruled the kingdom for 91 years. After him, his 31 successors ruled the kingdom for 1225 years. Including him, there were 32 kings in the Kirat Kingdom. At that time, Kirat Kingdom had extended from river Trisuli in the west to river Teesta in the east of Bhutan.

List Of The Kings
According to Mahabharata, the chronicle of Bansawali William Kirk Patrick and Daniel Wright, here are the Kirat kings. 

  1. King Shree Yelam - 90 years
  2. King Shree Pelam - 81 years
  3. King Shree Melam - 89 years
  4. King Shree Changming - 42 years
  5. King Shree Dhakang - 37 years
  6. King Shree Walangcha - 31 years 6 months
  7. King Shree Hungting - 40 years 8 month
  8. King Shree Hoorma - 50 years
  9. King Shree Tooske - 41 years 8 months/राजा 
  10. King Shree Prasaphung - 38 years 6 months
  11. King Shree Pawa: - 46 years
  12. King Shree Daasti - 40 years
  13. King Shree Chamba - 71 years
  14. King Shree Kongkong - 54 years
  15. King Shree Swananda - 40 years 6 months
  16. King Shree Phukong - 58 years
  17. King Shree Singhu - 49 years 6 months
  18. King Shree Joolam - 73 years 3 months
  19. King Shree Lookang - 40 years
  20. King Shree Thoram - 71 years
  21. King Shree Thuko - 83 years
  22. King Shree Barmma - 73 years 6 months
  23. King Shree Gunjong - 72 years 7 months
  24. King Shree Pushka - 81 years
  25. King Shree Tyapamee - 54 years
  26. King Shree Moogmam - 58 years
  27. King Shree Shasaru - 63 years
  28. King Shree Goongoong - 74 years
  29. King Shree Khimbung - 76 years
  30. King Shree Girijung - 81 years
  31. King Shree Khurangja - 78 years
  32. King Shree Gasti - 58 years


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