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My Favorite Hira Lal Shah Sir

Teachers are the second parents of our lives and the places where we study are the second homes of our lives. Parents and teachers together try their best to make us the best persons as much as possible without having any conditional approach. But the thing is that only their efforts on us are not enough for us unless we try our best. Combining all together we can be the persons as they wish.

Every person has several teachers in their lives from different fields who teach you to be the better person. In the course of time, we don´t remember all even if they are equally important to us because we have own lives having so many problems. But we only remember those who touch your heart. I also have a teacher of my school days who helped me a lot at that time and his name was Hira Lal Shah. He used to teach us mathematics generally from class 6 to class 10.

I was very good at the study from the beginning. I always used to be the first in the class along with the school first sometimes. In my village, there was a primary school where I studied up to class 5. After 5 class, I had to go to another school which was 2 hours away by foot from my house. Because of this reason, my parents didn´t send me the school for a year because I was too small when I passed my primary level even though I went to school for few days. In class 6 of the secondary school, I met Hira Lal Shah Sir who was from Siraha district.

In my school time, I was not only good at mathematics but also I was good at every subject. Thus, all the teachers used to love me a lot but the thing is that not only Hira Lal Shah Sir used to love me but also he used to help me a lot. This is the reason why I can´t forget him in my entire life. He always used to support me even in Tiffin time and out of school time. Wherever I met him I used to consult with him about the mathematics.

In government school of Nepal, there are two exams in a class in a year which are half annually and annually. In the results of class six of half annual exam, I topped my all classmates in every subject but in the meantime, my mother passed away. So, I didn´t go to school for around 10 days because we have our own rituals after the death. Even though I was too small at that time, the moment was unbearable. After the death rituals of my mother, I went to school again. When Hira Lal Sir saw me, he became so sad. Later one of my friends said that he asked about me when I didn´t go to the school because of my mother´s death. In the class, someone told the reason for my absence and he was about to cry listing my reason. In this way, I knew how much he loved me.

I studied with him for 4 years from class 6 to class 10. In class 7 and class 9, I became school first. He helped me a lot. After school, I came to Dharan to pursue my higher level education. A few years later, our whole family migrated to Dharan and I also heard that he also left the school. Then I never got the chance to meet him. But I always used to remember him. Today, once again I remembered him and searched his name on facebook. Luckily, I found his account and sent him my friend request. I hope he will accept my friend request and we will be in touch forever. I have been missing you so much, sir. I never forget your help, love, and kindness towards me. You are not only my teacher but also my god Sir. Thank you so much for being so nice to me. Thank you Hiralal Sir.


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