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Am Born To Win Not To Lose

Everyone has their own destinies in their lives. The common goal of all of us is to be successful at any cost by any means. In the course of achieving goals, someone achieves easily their goals while others have to do hard work even though they don´t get their goals and they have to change the way. But I have a different story.

If I have to explain about myself, there is only one word which explains me correctly is a hardworking person and people who know me also accept this fact. When I was in school, I always used to be the first in the class along with school first sometimes. I was not only excellent in the study but also excellent in extracurricular activities especially in quiz competitions and writing essays and poems. I still remember the day when I won the cash prize in district level essay competition where I shook hands with distinguished persons of the district.

When I was school, I didn´t have a big dream because I wanted to be a science and math teacher. For that reason, I wanted to study science. After SLC, I came to Dharan with my father to fill the entrance form of Central Campus Technology Hattisar where we have to pass the entrance exam to get the admission. I got through the entrance exam and started studying physics in there. I gave my best efforts on the study but by the end of the second year, a problem had been started on the backside of my head. I thought it might have been ´created because of some tensions even though I got through PCL level education.

For my headache problems, I consulted with so many so-called renowned doctors. They couldn´t do anything for my headache except they took away money from me besides one doctor who gave me some relief whose name is BB Sharma of Medicare hospital Chabahil but I couldn´t complete course of his medication because I got the student visa of Denmark, so I came to Denmark. I believe he could recover me if I stayed in Nepal for a long time because I have seen he has recovered many patients who are tired of with other doctors. Besides him, I consider others were witch doctors. I assume there are very few good doctors in Nepal whom we can count by our fingers.

Because of my headache, I have lost almost everything in my life. Especially, it has ruined my career. Whatever I am today it´s only because of my consecutive hard effort. If there was no headache, I can´t imagine that where I can be now. Once I had got the 50% scholarship in civil engineering in Apex college because of my entrance exam even when I was sick. I studied engineering around one month and I quit it because I couldn´t concentrate my mind on the study and I joined an easy faculty. On the other hand I also tried for the British army couple of times but I could be that. I also consider I was not able to be that because of my headache because I couldn´t give my interview as I wished. In the same way, I couldn´t score the best in IELTS as well because of it. Eventually, I have become a partially successful person which is not my desire.

My headache was not severe but it was disturbing. If told to the people I was sick they didn´t believe me because I didn´t look as if I was sick. Even my family didn´t use to believe me that I was sick. They used to think that I was pretending. There is one Nepali saying that if you want to see the heaven you have to die. In the same way, the only person knows the problem who is suffering from it.
I stayed in Denmark around one year. During the stay, I didn´t go to the hospital because there were furthermore problems in my life as a student. Then I came to Portugal. In Portugal, I stayed in Lisbon around one and a half month without doing anything. In this time period, my headache recovered itself and it lasted one around 2 months more. By the time it had been around 8 years since my headache started. Later I went to the government hospital of Lisbon but I couldn´t meet the specialist but I got the appointment letter by post for the date but I had to see the doctor after 6 months. On that date, I didn’t go to see the doctor. In Europe, if your case is not serious, you can´t meet the doctor soon. In the meantime, I went to Nepal. I got married and stayed for almost three months then I returned back to Portugal.

When I returned back to Portugal, the condition of my head was same. But I determined to be recovered by any means during the stay in Nepal. By the time it has been more than 10 years since I had been sick. So, I went to the hospital of my area to ask for my family doctor. The hospital gave me the appointment date to see the doctor. For that, I had to wait for almost 2 months. Then I decided to go to the private hospital. In the same hospital, I asked which private hospital would be better and the receptionist gave me the name. I also searched a couple of doctors on the internet but I didn´t go for the doctors whom I had found on the internet.  On the same day, I went to the mentioned hospital and took an appointment with the doctor which was for 5th of March.

On that day morning, I was in dilemma either I had to go or I had to wait for the appointment of the government hospital because it was expensive. Finally, I decided to go for the appointment because I thought money is not bigger than health. The appointment was at 9 o´clock in the morning. I saw the doctor and explained everything about my problem. The name of the doctor is Ana Nava. She prescribed me only one medicine which gave me the hope of my life. For me, she is above so-called god. I have to take the medicine still 6 more months but I can say that these medicines will bid my headache forever by the end of 6 months and I will live my normal life even though I am almost normal now.

It´s said that later is better than never. Even though I can be in the different position at this time if I was not sick or I met the right doctor before but I don´t regret my past. As I said before everyone has its own destiny. I had like that in my destiny but even when I was sick, I never gave up my hope and doing hard work. This is the reason why I consider am a partially successful person. But the only thing I can say if my health supports me, I can fulfill my 10 years of a gap within a few years. I consider my I was not a failure, my success was postponed and I am born to win not to lose.
Lastly, I would like to suggest you all that if you have the money or not go to the good doctors. If you don´t go, at last, you have to go. Don´t compromise with money for the health.


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