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A Message to The Boys Taken From My Fcebook

'' Yes, I wear a bra. Yes, it shows. So?
Why? Why do you do that? Stare at my breasts like they are
cute babies calling out to be cuddled. Strip me naked,
Slowly, Everytime I enter the bus? Try to
Glimpse into my
cleavage when I am sitting n reading in the metro.
Who gives you the right? To grope me in the crowded bus?
To fall on me" innocently" when I buy popcorn in the theater.
When I sit cross legged in the auto and you stop your bike n
Look hungrily at my legs.
A piece of meat, am i?
How do you think I feel? When I have to continuously watch over my shoulder, becuz it's 10pm
n there is nobody at the bus stop, except you.staring at my neck.
To be scared. Afraid. Tensed. Everytime I am not at home.
What makes you think I like it when I find you smiling at my
Bra strap that shows? Yes, I wear a bra. Yes, it shows. So?
Ohhh, don't say that it's my clothes! I have
Found you eyeing the waist of that woman who was wearing the
Plain faded saree.
Your eyes get all excited when the young college girl enters the bus in just a kurta, no
Dupatta covering her bosom.
And yes, one slip of the pallu or duppata and you go wild.
Staring. Smiling. And staring.
So, if I have a beer in my hand when I am on a beach, you
Think you can click my picture?
When I wear hot pants and laugh with a
Guy you think you can pinch my ass?
Does the lit cigarette in my hand seem like
An invitation to you? To come violate my body with your eyes?
Yes, I am a girl n I drink alcohol, so I am an 'easy target'.
Is that it?
Yes, I drink. I smoke. Does that mean I want to have sex with you
N every man on the street?
You. Who teach your daughter to be safe from evil eyes,
Don't flinch before mentally having sex with me
When you see me on the street?
You, who get angry when a boy smiles at your sister, don't feel ashamed standing at the corner whistling at me every night.
Do you still think I am d one who needs
To change or society??


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