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27-Year-Old Woman To Become First Female Ever To Visit Every Country On Earth

If someone traveled to 50 countries, we’d be impressed. If they traveled to 100 we’d be super impressed. But if they traveled to every single country in the world, and became the first documented female, youngest American, AND fastest traveler to visit all 196 countries on the planet….well, that would leave us pretty amazed indeed.

But that’s exactly what Cassandra De Pecol is doing. The 27-year-old from Connecticut has already visited 181 countries since July 2015, and with only 15 countries remaining and 40 days to go, she’s well on course to break the Guinness World Record for the fastest person to travel to all Sovereign States (plus an additional 11 countries). Her amazing journey is called Expedition196 and she’s traveling as an Ambassador for Peace on behalf of the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism. We might not be able to follow in her footsteps, but we can at least follow her inspirational journey via Instagram. Go Cassandra!


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