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An Inspiring Story of Takme Buda (Wilson Bikram Rai, WBR)

Takme Budha
Today, we all know who Wilson Bikram Rai aka Takme Buda is. He is one of the finest comedians and character actors in Nepal. So far, he has won many awards for different roles. Now, he is doing a Hindi movie with the Bollywood A -listed heroine Ayesha Takiya who has already done a movie named Wanted opposite Salman Khan.
With Ayesha Takiya

The journey for Takme Buda to this level was not easy. He belongs to a very simple family. His father used to be a driver. So, the family used to be run by the earning of driving. In early days, Takme Buda used to do mimicries of different actors especially Nir Shah. His friends used to praise him for his acting talents. Having noticed these all, he came to Kathmandu to pursue his career. But the life in Kathmandu was not so easy for him. To earn his living he started to work in a restaurant as a dancer. Some days, he spent his whole day with a plate of momo. He said that he used to drink lots of water to reduce his hunger in an interview.

In his struggling days, he used to dance in the background of filmy songs as well. Even he used to carry an umbrella behind the actors in shooting. In a shooting, he was once rejected by Dilip Rayamajhi as an umbrella man telling you are not suitable for this job. He was astonished by his reaction. So, Instantly, Takme Budha questioned to Rayamajhi `Why`. And Rayamajhi answered him back that you have tremendous talents. One day, you will be famous even more than me. At that time, I will feel shy. So, getting compliments like that from one of the top heroes like Dilip Rayamajhi was like the blessing from the god for him which motivated him to go ahead.

In the mean time of struggling, he gave up his hope in acting and went Malaysia where he worked as a labor like others do.  He worked there for almost 6 months carrying ice from the ground floor to the fifth floor. Even though there was a lift, they were not allowed to use that lift. The lift was only used by the customers of the company. During that time, his friends kept asking him why he came there instead of making the career in acting. `You need to go back to Nepal.` One day, he also made up his mind to return back to Nepal. He left the work including two other friends. They were detained for three days in a room. All of them called back to Nepal to their families showing desires to go back. Unfortunately, leaving Takme Buda, two of his friends were suggested to stay and continue their work there. But Takme Buda was permitted by his sister to go back to Nepal. The only reason why he took permission from his sister was that the money was assisted by his sister to him to go there. His sister told him to come to Nepal if you want. You don´t just stay there because of my money. You can pay back that money anytime in future. Allowed from his sister, he came back to Nepal.

Takme Buda in India for his movie

For his turning point, there was a program in Kerkha, Jhapa.  He was also invited to perform there where Magne Budha and Dhurmuse were also brought to perform. In that show, he met Magne Budha and requested him to give him a chance to play a role in Meri Bassai which was one of the best comedy tele serials at that time. A few days later, Magne Budha called him back and told him that he is going to give him a chance in his serials for 6 episodes. If he was not clicked within 6 episodes, he will be compelled to kicked out him from his serials  Also told him that he has to make a concept for his role. He made his character as Takme Budha of retired British army (typically Lahure). When his first episode as  Takme Budha was broadcasted, he was liked and appreciated tremendously. In this way, Wilson Bikram Rai had been transformed into Takme Budha. Afterwards, he doesn´t have to look back to his sorrowful days again. Since then, He has been doing many films and shows. He has been traveling many countries around the world.

At last he said that we don´t get what we want before the right time. But we never lose our hopes and give up doing hard works. Sooner or later the appropriate time will come for everybody since we keep trying. Hard work will be paid off one day. So, believe in ourselves. 


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