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Enchanting Europe

Having many promises, I am here in Denmark travelling almost 18 hours long plane trip. I was totally lost when the plane was about to land on the airport of Copenhagen. I felt like I am nowhere in the world. I thought I can't be back to home again. Then I got on the train with couple of other friends to Randers which was my first experience on the train. My sadness was totally lost again when I saw the beauties of the surroundings of the way. From Arhus city which is the second largest city of Denmark, a boy who looked similar with my age got on the train. He looked like a Nepali. When we were about to get off the train, we talked in Nepali the very  moment he had been waiting for what he said when we got off from the train because he also suspected us to be Nepali. Later on we introduced each other and we came to know his name as Rohit Gautam. Actually, he was a Nepali and he took us to the dormitory where we had already paid for the rooms.We became so happy knowing him. He helped us so much.

It is said that I search for something, I find the god in Nepali proverb. In the same way, we found a girl named Goma in the dormitory on the same day like Rohit vai who also helped us a lot. She took us to the shop and took us to her relative's house as.Then we got back to our dormitory. In the evening, she prepared dinner for us and we had dinner together. We felt like how lucky we were on that day. After a while, we went for sleep. The funny thing was that we didn't know how to operate the electric oven which we had to do in front of other foreign friends.I asked a nearby girl for the help to operate the oven and she taught me to do so. And then we exchanged our introductions as she was Marlie from Germany. For the time being,even we didn't have enough cooking kits. That was a very shameful experience of my life.

On the another day, we went to our college which was tremendously beautiful which I didn't even imagine. Location was so perfect. Buildings are so beautifully built. Class rooms were more beautiful than theater. I felt like wow. We entered the auditorium room where the class was running on. We went to the back side of the class and sat there but honestly, I don't want to sit on the back of the class. So, from another day I started to sit on the front desk.

In the course of time, I made some foreign friends and talked with them. Then, I felt like I was in the familiar place. Few days later, our college took us to the trip with both streams of the students of Hospitality and Tourism Management and Hospitality and Marketing Management where we were divided into different groups and we did different tasks which helped us to know further more each other. In short it was totally fun with benefit like we went the trip free of cost.

Talking about Denmark, the people of Denmark are so decent and helpful. If we ask them anything they are ready to answer us. Most of the Danish people speak English which is a very good news for foreign people like us. Specially, what I find is that Danish girls are so beautiful. Moreover, I find all white girls are gorgeous. Most importantly, girls of my class are so beautiful and guys of my class are handsome as well. They are physically and naturally perfectly combined. I like the way they are. But what I find bad is that everybody smokes and drinks here. For me, I hate smoking and drinking. Another thing what I find is that they die for the party. When the holidays come, they enjoy the party wildly playing music loud. Otherwise, they are perfect. When I look at them I feel like I don't know even the meaning of the first letter of fun.

It's said that the Europe is the most Eco-friendly continent in the world. I find it true here. The environment is such fresh that everyone can fall in love  with it. Because of this environment, people have a long life expectancy what I believe. Here is no any kinds of pollution in the Europe. It has almost none pollution. In the same way, here is no any kinds of crimes. You can go anywhere alone even in the night. Everything is on time. You can reach your destinations on time. I mean all the means of transportation come on time and take us our destinations on time. Similarly, you don't have to take a bath frequently and you don't have to wash your clothes frequently because there are rare chances of becoming dirty. The weather is clean here. So, you don't have to worry about it.

The only problem we are facing here is expensiveness. Otherwise, everything is perfect. In the beginning, I didn't want to buy anything else because we converted the price in Nepali Rupees that costed expensive comparing with Nepal. For example, a banana costs here 2 Kroner which almost costs Rs 40 in Nepali Rupees. In the course of time, we become used to it and we found many types of shops like second hand shop, offer shop etc. which made us easier.

In short, I am having a good time here in Denmark experiencing new environment with different international friends around the world. I like it.


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