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A heart piercing Story

Mother says I don't want my children to follow my footsteps. I want them to take the footsteps next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible. Children say I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me to grow, prosper and reach great heights. It is an unconditional love for each other and it has to be. If we ask someone what is his/her most admirable person, that person undoubtedly answers that is mother. It sounds so heart touching when we pronounce "Ama" word. But I am going to tell you a bit different story with videos which can break your hearts and can shed your eyes with tears. But I am not generalizing all mothers in this way. It's a exceptional story which happens quite rarely in our society.

It is a story of few days ago. It had happened in the jungle of Parbat district. A woman named Mina Pariyar from Chitawan Narayanghadh left her 11 months son for almost 20 hours in the jungle in the night time and went to meet her boyfriend. She might be there in search of sex because her husband is in abroad. We can guess that her intention was to kill her own son because she didn't return back to take her son again. There could be a question why she didn't kill her son by herself. The answer could be she chose because she felt love towards her son somehow and she thought her son to be died by himself. So, she left her son in the jungle.

On the another day, her relatives complained to the police office suspecting she could have left her son somewhere. The police had taken the initiative and had succeeded to arrest the woman. They had started to investigate with the woman and she told the police she could have died for the time being because she had left her son in the jungle. Immediately, the police had taken her to the place where she had left her son. At first, she was in confusion about the place but finally, she found the place.

The baby was almost in the critical situation. The baby had a severe flue with difficulty of breathing. They had found stool on his half paint. Immediately, he had taken to the district hospital but there wasn't possible for his treatment. Then, he had taken to the Western Regional Hospital and his treatment had been going on there. Doctors had said that he could be put in ICU for his further treatment. 

According to the news, she had left her husband's house because of some misunderstandings. She used to stay in her father's house. The baby boy is her third child. Tow children stay in the father's house. She had got married to the man 7 years before. The case has been being investigated by the police and they have been trying to find the fact. At present the woman is in the police custody remorsing her big sin.

Mothers don't see their children guilty even when they are guilty. But the question is that why the humanity is dying out from the society. It compels us to think about it. If we can't do so, there could be more disasters in our society which we can see in the future. 

I prey to my god that may the baby will become a great person in the future like Steve Jobs so that her mother can realize that how much potentials he had and how big sin she had committed. I hope the baby can give this answer one day.  

We love and respect mothers. Mother is a favorite word for all. It sounds affectionate. A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails and falters even though the heart is breaking. I wish no mothers followed the path of this story and this type of incident wouldn't happen in the future. We always worship mothers because they are creators and gods.


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