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Saphal Chamling As A Teacher

I was born in a remote village of Panchthar district. It is now in Kummayak Gaupalika but before it was called Yasok VDC and the name of my village is called Khalde which is always in my heart. In my village, there was a primary school in my time even though the school has become the secondary level now. Even if the people of my village know the value of the education but it was not easy to get the education.  For further education after primary level, there were two options. We had to go either Syabarumba or Yasok Bazar. Compare to Yasok Bazar Syabarumba was a bit nearer than Yasok Bazar. In numerically, it was around 30 minutes closer than Yasok Bazar even if I had to walk almost 2 hours. When I was in my village, I did everything that a villager has to do.

Talking about my first earning, when I was class 9 I went to Dhankuta to carry logs with my classmate. At that time, there was a trend of going to carry the logs and earn some money. I carried the logs only for 3 days because I had to return back to the school since school had already been started. I earned Rs. 690 carrying the logs for 3 days. With that money I had bought a watch and a shirt which I can´t forget in my entire life.

After my higher secondary level education, I started teaching as a teacher in different institutes and schools. In my teaching career, I started earning Rs. 1500 per hour in the beginning and I got the maximum up to R. 10,000 per hour in the course of time. I used to teach English, mathematics, science and English language classes. As a whole, I enjoyed teaching in different institutes and schools.

Name of the Schools and Institutes Where I Taught

  • Maryland English Boarding School Dharan (Mathematics Teacher)
  • Analjyoti English Boarding School KTM (Mathematics and Science Teacher)
  • Lucky British Army Training Centre Dharan (Mathematics Teacher)
  • Bright British Army Training Centre Dharan (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • Top British Army Training Centre Dharan (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • Early Action British Army Training Centre Dharan (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • British English Language Institute Dharan (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • Axn British Army and Singapore Police Training Centre KTM (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • Pre British Army and Singapore Police Training Centre KTM (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • BGRT KTM (Mathematics and English Teacher)
  • Global Education Institute Chakrapath KTM (English and English Language Teacher)
  • Genuine Academy Chabahil KTM (English and English Language Teacher)
  • Nababuddha Academy Chabahil KTM (English and English Language Teacher)
  • OLC Chabahil KTM (English Language Teacher)
  • Baluwatar Police Training Academy (English Language Teacher)


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