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Different Work Experiences

I don´t know what actually luck is and I don´t believe in it though. But in my life, I have tried a lot of things to make my career as much as possible. Eventually, I got the visa of Denmark though it´s not my first choice. My first choice was to become the British army but I couldn´t be even if I tried a lot. Personally, I liked Denmark a lot because of the system of Denmark and its peacefulness environment. But being a student, It´s very hard to manage everything there. So, I had to choose the second way anyway and that was Portugal.

Before I came to Denmark, I also tried for Austria including three other friends. But no one got the visa because there were some problems regarding agents who owned the consultancy. The agents took us to Delhi because there was not the embassy of Austria in Nepal. The embassy wanted to take the interview of our agents but the problem was that they refused to give the interview to the embassy. Because of their refusal, the embassy got the bad impression and the visas were rejected as far as I know.

The one and the only reason why I come to Europe is to make my career. I think the word of career describes everything, so I don´t have to explain more. When I came to Denmark, there were only two ways for me. One was to struggle in Denmark staying there and another was to try for the French legion. After staying in Denmark for almost three months, I was suggested and I decided to try for the French legion because I didn´t get any job there in Denmark. On the other hand, my college was out of Copenhagen. It was very difficult to find a job out of Copenhagen in Denmark. So, I went to France to try for the French legion. Even if I had passed all the tests but my name was not called in the final result. Then, I had to be back in Denmark again. When I was back to Denmark, I was rusticated by my college because I stayed in France for around 26 days. Even though I informed the college before I went to France but it took a long time for the selection process in the camp. I requested to the college and they finally agreed to take me as their student again.

Though I started college again anyway, for me the greatest challenge was to find the job. I had some relatives in Copenhagen. I requested them to find a job for me. With the help of them, I found a job in a restaurant as a dishwasher. Even if I got the job, it was very difficult to manage college and work because my college was in Randers which is almost 3 hours far by bus. So, I decided to come to Portugal. Not only me but my brother also forced me to come to Portugal because if I stayed there he had to pay the fee of my college.

Before I tried for the abroad I tried for the British army four times after I finished my higher secondary education. Even if I passed all the tests, I was not selected two times in the final selection in Pokhara. So, I planned to come to abroad.

Living in foreign countries is very difficult for everybody. We have to manage everything ourselves. Before I come to abroad what I thought was totally different from what I have been facing now. I have worked for many companies from agriculture to Restaurants until now. All the works I have done were out of my imagination. For example, I never think there can be a raspberry company in the world because we don´t count raspberry as a fruit in Nepal. We have raspberry in the jungle in Nepal, not in the farming field. But I had to work in the raspberry company. In the process of working in different companies, I have met different types of people. But the thing is that wherever I worked and whoever I worked with that taught me some lessons in my life.

The companies and Restaurants where I worked until now
  • Hellerup park hotel Copenhagen
  • Laranja company Arma Saudi Pera
  • Berabaga Tavira
  • Miguel Machado Santo Andre
  • Berrysolution Sesimbra
  • Olive company Gasperas Beja
  • Sagarmatha momo restaurant Lisbon
  • Maravilla Tavira
  • Carrot company Comporta
  • Haygrove company Zambuzeira
  • Cantinha Avillage Lisbobn
  • Hard Rock Café Lisbon
  • MadPizza Lisbon
  • DimSum Restaurant Lisbon
  • Duck Restaurant Lisbon
  • Avenida Sushi Cafe Lisbon
  • Taberna Iberica
  • Sushi Gourmet Almada Forum & Carcavelos Auchan
  • Sushi At Home Sacavem


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