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Probable Mathematics Collections For the British, Singapore, French and Indian Army Potential Cnadidates

1. .A wheel rotates 14 revolutions per minute. Calculate
a) how many revolutions does it make in an hour?
b) how long will it take for 360 revolutions? (2062 B.S. R.S.)
 2.  150 soldiers of a barrack have food enough for 45 days. 25 soldiers leave the barrack after 10 days.  How much longer will the remaining food last? (2063 B.S. R.S.)
3. In a garrison of 500 men have provisions for 24 days. How many men must be sent so that the provisions may last for 40 days? (2064 B.S. R.S.)
4. In a barrack 120 soldiers food enough for 30 days. After 10 days 20 soldiers left the barrack. How long the remaining food last for? (2065 B.S. R.S.)
5. A garrison of 2000 men has provisions for 54days. At the end of 15days a reinforcement arrives and it is found that now the provisions would last for 20days more. What is the strength of reinforcement? ? (2066 B.S. R.S.)
6. A military camp contains 1,650 soldiers and there are sufficient rations to feed the troops for 37 days before the next re-supply. After 25 days, 550 soldiers arrived from another camp. How many full days will the rations now last? (2067 B.S. R.S.)
7. A military camp contains 1,050 soldiers and there are sufficient rations to feed the troops
for 31 days before the next re-supply. After 17 days, 350 soldiers moved to another base.
How many full days will the rations now last for the remaining soldiers in the camp? (2068 B.S. R.S.)
8. 11 Deepak can complete a task in 12 days.
Prem can complete the same task in 14 days.
Deepak and Prem work together for 5 days before Deepak leaves .
How many more days will it take Prem to finish the task?  Calculate to the nearest whole
day. (2068 B.S. R.S.)
9. Some soldiers of a barrack had provisions for 30 days. After 1o days, 60 soldiers left the barrack. Then, the provisions lasted for 1o days more. How many soldiers there in the beginning?
1o. A garrison of 1200 soldiers has provisions for 4o day. If 300 men join after 10 days, how long will the remaining provisions last?
11. 6 boys or 8 girls can finish a work in 18 days. In how many days can 3 boys and 4 girls finish the same work?
12. 2oo labors need 50 days to construct a road of 4 km long working 8 hours a day. How many labors should be decreased to construct the same road in 80 days working 10 hours a day?
13.  20 men can do a piece of work in 24 days. After working few days, 4 men are addedand the work was finished 3 days earlier. After how many days 4 men were added?
14. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B alone can do it in 30 days. Both started the work together but B goes away after 5 days. In how many days can A alone finish the remaining work? Answer to the nearest whole days.
15. I f 15 chairs and 2 tables cost Rs. 400, find the cpsy of 12 chairs and 3 tables, the cost of 10 chairs being equal to that of 4 tables.

Answers: 1.a) 240 b) 9 minutes 2. 42 days 3 .200men 4. 24 days 5. 1900 soldiers 6. 9 days 7. 21 days 8. 13 days 9. 180 10. 24 days 11. 18 days 12. 100 labors 13. 6 days 14. 17 days 15. Rs, 390
1.     Ram bought 10 bottles of coke at the rate of Rs 12 and some fantas at the of Rs 23 per bottle. He spends Rs 350 in total. How many bottles of fantas did he buy? (2062 B.S. R.S.)
2.     In a stationary shop Mohan spends Rs. 181.50. He bought a dictionary which is twice the price of pen and thrice the price of pencil. Find the price of individual items. (2063 B.S. R.S.)
3.     Rajani wants to make a cake and the recipes requires 75 kg each of flour, sugar, butter and 3 eggs. Rajani only has 2 eggs. So she decides to make a smaller cake with the proportions of egg;
a)     If each eggs  weigh 25 g, how much cake weigh before it is baked?
b)      When it is baked losses 1/5 of its weight. If it splits into 5 equal pieces, what will be the a piece of weight? (2063 B.S. R.S.)
4.     A bank manager receives Rs. 18000 for basic 36 hours for a week and over time is paid at time and half more. How many hours are worked in a week when his total wage is Rs. 23250? (2063 B.S. R.S.)
5.     A man bought 35 kg of rice at Rs.2.5 per kg and 25 kg of rice at Rs 3.5. Then he mixes them and sold them at Rs. 3.5. Find his profit percent. (2064 B.S. R.S.)
6.     A shopkeeper bought 50 kg of rice at Rs 20 per kg and mixes with 60 kg of rice costing Rs 30.5 per kg and sold at the rate of Rs 25 per kg. find the profit or loss percentage. Answer to the nearest percentage. (2065 B.S. R.S.)
7.     A man mixed 100 kg of rice bought at Rs 38 per kg with 50kg of rice bought at Rs 30 per kg. At what price per kg would he have sold the mixture so that he would make a profit of Rs. 1250? (2066 B.S. R.S.)
8.     A man buys 7 bottles of fanta and 6 bottles of coke at Rs 250 and another man buys 3 bottles of fanta and 3 bottles of coke at Rs. 12o. What is the price of a coke? (2067 B.S. R.S.)
9.     10 Bhim spends Rs 424 buying a total of 46 mangoes and bananas.
Each mango costs Rs 20 and each banana costs Rs 4.
How many mangoes did Bhim buy? (2068 B.S. R.S.)
10.   A man bought a basket containing 12 dozens of oranges for Rsl 432. But 14 oranges were rotten. He then sold the good oranges at the rate of Rs 3.50 per orange. Find his profit or loss.
11.   A fruit  seller bought 420 apples for Rs.1120. He found 84 of them were rotten and sold the rest so that his profit was 20%. At what per apple did he sell them?
12.   A man mixes 20 kg of potatoes at Rs. 7.5 per kg wit 25 kg at Rs. 40 per kg. At what price per kg must she sell the mixture so as to have 17% profit? Answer to the nearest Rupee.
13.   Ram spends Rs 115,5 at a stationary shop. He bought a dictionary which costs twice a pen and thrice a book. Find the price of individual items.
Answers: 1. Dictionary =Rs.99, pen=Rs. 49.5 & pencil=Rs.33 2. a) 200 g b) 32g 3. 43 hours 4. 20% 5. 10 bottles 6. 3% 7. Rs 37 8. 10 bottles. 9. 115 mangoes 10. Profit =Rs 23 11. Rs 4 12. Rs 30 12. Dictionary=Rs 63 pen= Rs 31.5 book=Rs 21
1.     Shyam earns Rs 60000 per year. He spends 1/5 per month. How much does he save in a year? (2063 B.S. R.S.)
2.     Depreciation on each year is 2/5. If the population is 55000. Find the population after 2 years. (2064 B.S. R.S.)
3.     Price in a store is reduced by 40% in a sale. The sales are further reduced by 1/3. What fraction in total  sale is reduced? (2065 B.S. R.S.)
4.     In a store an item costing Rs 7864 is reduced by 45% in a sale. This is then further reduced by 1/3. What is the total reduction? Answer to the nearest rupee. (2066 B.S. R.S.)
5.     There are 37 porters carrying an average weight of 38 kg of baggage on an expedition.
An extra 6 porters join the group. (2067 B.S. R.S.)
What is the average weight of baggage that each porter has to carry now? Answer to the
nearest kg. (2067 B.S. R.S.)
6.     A Regiment has a total of 648 soldiers.
88% of the soldiers are English and 12% are Scottish.
44 more Scottish soldiers join the Regiment.
What percentage of the Regiment's soldiers are Scottish now?  Answer to the nearest
%.(2067 B.S. R.S.)
7.     The original cost of a radio is Rs 3,240.
The shopkeeper gives you a 22% discount on this price.
The shopkeeper then adds 12% tax.
How much will the radio now cost?  Answer to the nearest Rupee.
8.     Dill bought an item in a shop for Rs 46,275.
2 weeks ago the item was on sale for Rs 38,200.
What is the percentage increase (inflation)?  Give your answer to the nearest %.
9.     Regiment has a total of 648 soldiers.
88% of the soldiers are English and 12% are Scottish.
44 more Scottish soldiers join the Regiment.
What percentage of the Regiment’s soldiers is Scottish now?  Answer to the nearest
10.   What was the original marked price of an article bought by a customer paying Rs 98,224
at 44 % discount? (Answer to the nearest rupee. (2068 B.S. R.S.)
11.   In a store, an item costing Rs 7,864 is reduced by 45% in a sale. This  then further
reduced by 1/3. What is the total reduction on the item in rupees? (Answer to the nearest rupee. (2068 B.S. R.S.)
12.   In 520 liters of mixture, there are mixture of A and B. If A is 75% and the remaining is B. How much liters of B must be added to make 65% of A? (2065 B.S. R.S.)
13.   In 200 liters of mixture, there are mixture of A and B. If A is 60% and the remaining is B. How much liters of B must be added to make 25% of A? (2066 B.S. R.S.)
14.   A large container has 1950 liters of mixture of 2 liquids A and B. The current concentration is 15% of A and the rest is B. An extra amount of B is added and changes the concentration of A to 10%. Calculate how much B is added to the mixture. (2067 B.S. R.S.)
15.    A large container has 320 litres of a mixture of 2 liquids, A and B. The current
                Concentration is 45% A and the rest is B. An extra amount of liquid B is added that
                Changes the concentration of A to 20 % of the new volume. Calculate how much liquid is
 added to the container(2068 B.S. R.S.)
16.   Find the marked price of the watch. If the customer bought if for Rs.6300 taking 18% discount. Answer to the nearest rupee.(2065 B.S. R.S.)
17.   A man buys an article paying Rs 4530 at 25% discount. Find the marked price of the article. (2066 B.S. R.S)

Answers: 1. Rs 48000 2.19800 3. 3/5 4.Rs 4981 5. 33kg 6. 18% 7. Rs 2830 8. 21% 9. 18% 10. Rs.175400 12. 80 liters 13.280 liters 14. 975 liters 15. 400 liters 16. Rs.7683 17. Rs 6040

Simple and Compound Interest
1.     Hari invested Rs 2500 at the rate of 4%. How long does it take to take Rs 31200? (2062 B.S. R.S.)
2.     A sum of money Rs. 4500 invested 2 years at 6% per annum. Calculate the total amount with compound interest. Answer to the nearest rupee. (2063 B.S. R.S.)
3.     Find the difference between the compound interest and simple interest on Rs. 7500 in 2 years at 10% per annum. (2065 B.S. R.S.)
4.     Santosh borrowed  Rs 130000 from Suresh at the rate of 21% per annum. Find the simple interest and compound interest at the end of 2 years and interest compounded yearly. (2066 B.S. R.S.)

5.     The population of a town is 15,780.
The population grows at a rate of 4% per annum.
What will the town's population be in 3 years?  Calculate to the nearest whole number. 2067 B.S. R.S.)

6.     Gamar invested Rs 10,630 in a bank over 2 years at the interest rate of 8 % p.a.
Calculate the compound interest to the nearest rupee.
7.     Bimala invested Rs 29,256 in a bank over 2 years at the interest rate of 7 % p.a. 
Calculate the compound interest to the nearest rupee.
8.     The population of Kathmandu in the year 2057 was 250000. If the annual increase during two successive years be at the rate of 4% and 5% respectively. Find the population at the end of 2059.arly.
9.     Hari borrowed Rs 130000 from  Krishna at the rate of 21% per annum. At the end of 1 year 6 months, find simple interest and compound interest. Answers to the nearest rupee.
10.   Sharmila borrowed Rs. 150000 from Ramila at the rate of 21% per annum. Find the simple interest at the end of two years and interest compounded yearly.
11.   A motor cycle which is supposed to depreciate at the rate of 5% per year was sold at Rs 57000 after a year. At what price was it bought?
12.   The compound depreciation on a car is written off at 5% every year. If its value at the end of 2 years is Rs 1250000, what was the original cos of the car? Answer to the nearest whole nusmber.
13.   2 years ago, the population of a village was 16000. The rate of population growth of the village is 5%. What is the population at present?

Answers: 1. 6 years and 4 months 2. Rs. 556 3, Rs 75 4. S.I.= Rs 54600 and C.I.=60333 5. 17750 6. Rs 1769 7. Rs. 4239 8. 273000 9. S.I.=Rs. 40950 C.I.=Rs.43817 10. S.I.= Rs. 63000 C.I.= Rs 69615 11. Rs 60000 12.1385042 13. 17640

1.     A garden of 12m×10m is to be surfed and surrounded by a boarder 2m wide. Using 325 slates slabs were used to construct the boarder.
a)     Find out the width of a slab if the length of the slab is 64cm long.
14.   How much in total would it cost to complete the garden if the turf costs Rs. 350per 2 and Rs 35per slate slab. (2063 B.S. R.S.)
2.     The diagram shows a plan of a school hall. The school development committee divide into plot is sold in units of 4 . The length of the hall is 32m and breadth of the hall is 25m.
a.     Find out the area of the school hall and work out how many units of carpets are required to cover the hall, if area of carpet is 20 .
b.     The carpet costs Rs 150 per 4  plus 12% delivery charge on the total sale. Find the total cost of carpeting. (2064 B.S. R.S.)
c.     There are 2 windows of dimensions 4m×2m and the thickness of the wall is 50cm. If 600000 bricks is required to make the wall. If the dimension of a brick is 2m×3m×7m. Find the total area of the wall. (2064 B.S. R.S.)
3.     The area of a room is 224  and its breadth is 2m shorter than the length. Find the length and breadth of the room. (2065 B.S. R.S.)
4.     How many bricks each of dimensions  are required to construct a wall 10m long 2.5m side and 4m height with 2 windows of each dimension 4m×3m. (2065 B.S. R.S.)
5.     A garden is 80m long 45m wide and it has a path of uniform width is 2.5 m around outside it. If 26000 bricks of length 25cm pave the whole path, find the breadth of each brick. (2066 B.S. R.S.)
6.     The area of a garden is  and its breadth is 2m shorter than the length. Find the length and breadth of the room. (2066 B.S. R.S.)
7.     A brick of dimension 30cm 10cm 10cm is required to construct a wall of dimension 30m long 2.5m height and 40cm thick which contains 2 windows of size 5m long and 3m wide. Find the number of bricks to be needed to construct the wall. (2067 B.S. R.S.)
8.     The area of a rectangular garden is 252 . If the breadth of the field is 9m shorter than length. Find the length and breadth of the field. (2067 B.S. R.S.)
9.     The area of a field is 336 . Its length is 16m longer than its breadth. Calculate the length and breadth of the field. (2068 B.S. R.S.)
10.   You want to build a wall. How many bricks measuring  are required to construct a wall 36m long, 1.5m wide and 3m high, 2 windows each 4m 1.5m?How much would you pay for the total number of bricks if the price of one brick is Rs. 5.28? (2068 B.S. R.S.)
11.   a.  You want to build a wall. How many measuring 10 cm x 5 cm x 4 cm are required to
construct a wall 30 m long, 1.5 m wide and 3 m high, with 2 windows each 0.5 m x 4 m?
b.  How much would you pay for the total number of bricks if the price of one brick is
Rs 5.35? (Answer to the nearest rupee.) (2068 B.S. R.S.)
12.   The area of a room is 308
. Its length is 8m longer than its breadth. Calculate the length
and breadth of the room. (2068 B.S. R.S.)
13.   The radious of a wheel is 1.5m. Find the number of revolutions taken by the wheel to cover the distance of 19800cm.
14.   A room is 12m long 10m broad and 6m high. There are two windows, each 2.4m 1.5m and a door 1.6m 5.5m. If the rate of coloring the walls is Rs 4.50 per sq. meter and plastering the wall is Rs27 per sq. meter. Find the total cost of coloring and plastering the wall.
15.   How many pieces of paper 1.6cm long and 50cm broad are required to paper the four walls  and ceiling of a room 15m long, 10m broad and 5m high. Also find the total cost of carpeting at Rs.7.50 per pieces.
16.   Area of wall is 224 sq. meter and length and breadth of the room is 4m and 3m find the height of the room. (2062 B.S. R.S.)
Answers: 1. a. 50cm b. Rs 18,200 2. a. 40 b. Rs 33600 3. 50.4  3. Length=16m and breadth=14m 4. 25000 5. Breadth = 10 cm. 6. Length=15m and breadth=13m 7. 8000 8. Length=21m breadth=12m 9.Length= 12m breadth=28m 10. No of bricks=400000 total cost=Rs 2112000. 11..a. 645000 b. Rs 34507500 12. Length=22m and breadth=14m 13. 21 revolutions 14. Rs7812 15. No of papers= 500 and total cost=Rs 3750 16. 16m

1.     SOLVE
3X +8Y=24
X+8Y=10 (2062 B.S. R.S.)
2.     3x+2y=7
X+y=3 (2063 B.S. R.S.)
3.     2x-3y=1a
5x+3y=108 (2064 B.S. R.S.)
4.     2x+3y=27
X+5y=27(2065 B.S. R.S.)
(2065 B.S. R.S.)
(2066 B.S. R.S.)
             (2067 B.S. R.S.)
 (2067 B.S. R.S.)
(2067 B.S. R.S.)
5.     (√49 x √84) (√132 x √77)
             (2068 B.S. R.S.)
6.     (√85 x √51) ÷ (√27 x √45)
             (2068 B.S. R.S.)
1.     X=7 and y=3/8 2. X=1 and y=2 3. X=115/7 and y=146/21 4. X=-6/7 and y= 39/7
1.     Tara is 9 years older than Sunita
Anita is 4 times the age of Sunita.
The total age of all 3 is 93.
How old is Tara?            (2068 B.S. R.S.)
2.     Krishna is 6 years younger than her husband. Krishna is 27 years older than her daughter,
who is 3 years younger than her brother. If their combined ages add up to 187, calculate
the ages of Krishna and her daughter. (2068 B.S. R.S.)

3.     Three years ago the sum of  the ages of a father and son was 48 and three years hence father’s age will be three times that of his son. Find the present ages of the father and son.
4.     A father says to his son 7 years ago, I was 4 times as old as you were and 13 years hence I shall be only twice as old as you. Find the present ages of father and son.
5.     A year hence a father will be 5 times as old as his son. Two years ago, the father was 3 times as old as his son will be 4 year hence. Find their present ages.
6.     Ram is 8 years older than his wife and 28 years older than his daughter. The present sum of his wife’s age and twice the daughter’s age is equal to the Ram’s age. Find their present ages.
7.     Mr. Rai is 3 years younger than her husband, 25 years older than her daughter and 20 years older than her son. The sum of the ages of Mrs. Rai, her daughter and son is 4 years more than the twice the age of her husband. If they had got married 5 years before his daughter was born.  How old was Mrs. Rai when she was got married?
8.     Mary is 3 years younger than her husband. She is 27 years older than her daughter, who is 6 years younger than her brother. If their combined ages added up to 187. Calculate ages of Mary and her son.
9.     Ram is 11 years older than his wife Sita. Sita is twice the age of her son, who is 7 years younger tha his sister. If their combined ages added up to 162. Calculate the ages of Sita and her daughter.
1.     Tara’s age is 23 2. Krishna’s age is 58 and daughter’s age is 31 3. Father’s age=42 years and son’s age=12 years 4. Son’s age = 17 years and father’s age = 47 years 5. Son’s = 5 years, father’s age = 29 years  6. Ram’s age = 32 years, wife’s age = 34 years and daughter’s age = 4 years 7. Mrs. Rai’s marriage age =  20 years 8. Mary = 58 years, son = 37 years 9. Sita’s age = 24years and daughter’s age = 4 years
1.       2. 4   3.  4.  5. 1 7/11 6. 17/9 7. 
Answers: 1. 1
1.     A bus travels 14 km at an average speed of 30km/hr. How long will it take to complete that distace? (2062 B.S. R.S.)
2.     Kathmandu is 200km away from pokhara. A night bus leaves from Pokhara at 9 past 9 in the evening. Calculate:
a.     How long will it take to complete the journey if the bus driver drives 120 km at an average speed of 40 km/hr and the rest is 50km/hr?
b.     The bus stops for 30 minutes break every 2 hours. When will the bus arrive in Kathmandu? (2063 B.S. R.S.)
3.     The distance from A to D, A to B at the speed of 45km/hr for  hours and Bto C at the speed of 37 km/hr for 4 hours and C to D, 47km. Calculate
a.     Find the distance from A to B.
b.     If the speed from C to D is at 42hkm/hr and from C m the bus starts from 22:24. When will it reach D? (2064 B.S. R.S.)
4.     A bus travels from A to B, B to C and C to D. From A to B at the speed of 50km/hr in 4.5 hrs, B to C at the speed of 50km/hr in 3.5 hours and the distance between C to D IS 200 km.
a.     Find the total distance from A to D.
b.     If the bus leaves from C at 10: 3am and reaches D at 12: 32pm. Find speed of the bus from C to D. (2065 B.S. R.S.)
5.     A bus travels from A to B, B to C, and C to D. From A to B, speed is 35km/hr in   hours, B to C, speed is 45km/hr in  hours and C to D, distance is 47.5km.
a.     Find the total distance from A to D.
b.     If the bus leaves C at 12:36 and reached at 14:42. Find the speed. Answer to the nearest speed. (2066 B.S. R.S.)
6.     Town X is 123 km from town Y.
Anju takes 3 hours 22 mins to drive from X to Y.
Bhim takes 3 hours 35 mins to drive from X to Y.
What is the difference in the average speed of Anju and the average speed of Bhim? Give your answer to the nearest km/h. (2068 B.S. R.S.)

7.     A bus leaves town A at 0643 hrs on its way to town B.
The bus travels at an average speed of 37 km/h.
The distance between town A and town B is 201 km.What time does the bus arrive at town B? Calculate to the nearest minute. (2068 B.S. R.S.)
8.     A train leaves from station A AT 10:48 am and arrives station B at 14:33pm. If it leaves an average speed of 56km/hr, how far is it from station A and B?

1.     28 minutes 12 seconds 2.a. 5 hours and 36 minutes b. 14:45 AM 3.a. 363.75km b. 23:31:12 AM 4.a.555km b. 100km/hr 5.a. 157.5km b. 23km/hr 6. 2km/h 7. 1209 hrs or 12:09 pm 8. 210km
1.     (sin 60) x (cosec 60) ÷ (tan 60) (2068 B.S. R.S.)
2.     (Cot 60 x Cosec 120) x (Cos 30 x Sin 120) (2067 B.S. R.S.)
3.     (Sec 45 x Sin 120) x (Tan 30 x Cos 45) (2067 B.S. R.S.)
4.     (sin 60)×(cosec60)÷(tan60)
5.     (sin60×cos135)×(cos30×cosec150)
6.     (sin45×sec120)×(cot45×tan135)
7.     (sec30×tan45)×(cosec150×cos30)
8.     sin
9.     (sec 150×cosec 120)×(sec145×cot135)
10.   ÷(

1.     1/√3 2. 1/2 3, ½ 4.  5. -  6.  7. 2 8. ½ 9.  10. 2

1.     There are 15 reds, a black, blue, grey, yellow, green, pink and white ball in the basket. Find the probability of not getting red, white and black balls. (2064 B.S. R.S.)
2.     A basket contains 3 red. 4 black and a ball is randomly drawn from the basket. Find the probability of not getting black ball.
3.     There are 15 red, 5 white, 7 green, 3 blue and 18 grey balls in a basket. Find the probability of not getting white and red balls.
4.     A bag contains 6 black and 4 white balls. Two balls are drawn at random one after another without replacement. Find the probability that both balls drawn are white successively from a bag containing
5.     Three balls are drawn  5 red, 4 black, and 3 white balls. Determine the probability that they are all red. Of each ball drawn is not replaced.
6.     A bag contains 4 black and 3 white balls. A ball is drawn randomly and not replaced then another ball is drawn. What is the probability of getting two black balls?
1 5/22 2, 4/7 3. 7/12 4. 2/15 5. 1/22 6. 2/7
1.     A bag contains Rs 225 in the form of rupees, Mohar and Suki  coins in the ratio of 3:4:. Find the number of each type of music.
2.     How many dollars are equal to Rs. 5000 if Rs 100 are equal to £0.90 and £100 are equal to $160?
3.     The marked price of an article was fixed to Rs. 15% on its actual price. Find its actual price.
4.     If the marked price of camera is Rs. 3200, a shopkeeper announces a discount of 8%. How much will a customer have to pay for buying the camera if 10% VAT was levied it? Answer to the nearest rupee.
5.     A woman buys an item paying Rs. 1030 with a discount of 25% but adding 12% VAT what was the original labeled price? Answer to the nearest rupee.
6.     If a tourist paid Rs 5610 for a carved window made of wood with a discount of 15% VAT, what is the marked price of the window?
7.     A fixed discount of 15% is allowed in all goods in shop opened on the occasion of Bijaya Dashami, what would be the labeled price if a tea kettle was sold for Rs 68?
8.     After allowing 25% discount on the marked price a cycle, 10% VAT was levied on it. If cycle sold for Rs. 3450, calculate the marked price of the cycle.
1.     Rupee coins=108, mohar coins=144, suki coins=108 2. $60 3. Rs. 1200 4. Rs.3238 5. Rs. 1226 6. Rs.6000 7, Rs 80 8. Rs.4000
Model Questions
SET I 2010
Anju is 3 years younger than her husband. Anju is 26 years older than her daughter, who is 3 years younger than her brother. If their combined ages add up to 158, calculate the ages of Anju and her daughter.
Bimala invested Rs 29,256 in a bank over 2 years at the interest rate of 7 % p.a.  Calculate the compound interest to the nearest rupee.
Simplify the following:

(√85 x √51) ¸ (√27 x √45)

a.  You want to build a wall. How many measuring 10 cm x 5 cm x 4 cm are required to construct a wall 30 m long, 1.5 m wide and 3 m high, with 2 windows each 0.5 m x 4 m?

b.  How much would you pay for the total number of bricks if the price of one brick is
Rs 5.35? (Answer to the nearest rupee.)
Simplify the following:

(Cot 60 x Cosec 120) x (Cos 30 x Sin 120)

In a store, an item costing Rs 2,458 is reduced by 34% in a sale. This is then further reduced by 3/8. What is the total reduction on the item in rupees?
(Answer to the nearest rupee.)
The area of a room is 308m2. Its length is 8m longer than its breadth. Calculate the length and breadth of the room.
A large container has 320 litres of a mixture of 2 liquids, A and B. The current concentration is 45% A and the rest is B. An extra amount of liquid B is added that changes the concentration of A to 20 % of the new volume. Calculate how much liquid is added to the container.
A military camp contains 1,050 soldiers and there are sufficient rations to feed the troops for 31 days before the next re-supply. After 17 days, 350 soldiers moved to another base. How many full days will the rations now last for the remaining soldiers in the camp?
What was the original marked price of an article bought by a customer paying Rs 19,584 at 36 % discount? (Answer to the nearest rupee.)
Answers: 1. a) Anju=51 yrs, b) Daughter=25 yrs 2. Rs. 4,239 3.  4.a) Total bricks=645,000 b) Total cost Rs. 3,450,750 5.  = 0.5 6. Rs. 1,444 7. Length=22m & Breadth=14m 8. 400 liters 9.21 days 10. Rs. 30,600

SET II 2010
Krishna is 6 years younger than her husband. Krishna is 27 years older than her daughter, who is 3 years younger than her brother. If their combined ages add up to 187, calculate the ages of Krishna and her daughter.
Gamar invested Rs 10,630 in a bank over 2 years at the interest rate of 8 % p.a.
Calculate the compound interest to the nearest rupee.
Simplify the following:

(√132 x √15) ¸ (√24 x √55)

a.  You want to build a wall. How many bricks measuring 18 cm x 5 cm x 4 cm are required to construct a wall 36 m long, 1.5 m wide and 3 m high, with two windows each
4 m x 1.5 m?

b.  How much would you pay for the total number of bricks if the price of one brick is
Rs 5.28? (Answer to the nearest rupee.)
Simplify the following:

(Sec 45 x Sin 120) x (Tan 30 x Cos 45)

In a store, an item costing Rs 7,864 is reduced by 45% in a sale. This is then further reduced by 1/3. What is the total reduction on the item in rupees?
(Answer to the nearest rupee.)
The area of a field is 336m2. Its length is 16m longer than its breadth. Calculate the length and breadth of the field.
A large container has 1,950 litres of a mixture of 2 liquids, A and B. The current concentration is 15% A and the rest is B. An extra amount of liquid B is added that changes the concentration of A to 10 % of the new volume. Calculate how much liquid is added to the container.
A military camp contains 1,650 soldiers and there are sufficient rations to feed the troops for 37 days before the next re-supply. After 25 days, 550 soldiers arrived from another base. How many full days will the rations now last?
What was the original marked price of an article bought by a customer paying Rs 98,224 at 44 % discount? (Answer to the nearest rupee.)
Answers 1.a) Krishna=58 yrs b) daughter= 31 yrs 2. Rs.1,769 3.  we accept  4.a)Total bricks= 400,000 b) 2,112,000 5.  6. Rs. 4,981 7. Length= 28 m & b breadth=12m 8. 975 liters 9. 9 days 10. Rs. 175,400

Num Question Marks Answer
1 Solve the following equation:
1 x = 8
2 There are 37 porters carrying an average weight of 38 kg of baggage on an expedition.
An extra 6 porters join the group.
What is the average weight of baggage that each porter has to carry now? Answer to the
nearest kg.
1 33 kg
3 The original cost of a radio is Rs 3,240.
The shopkeeper gives you a 22% discount on this price.
The shopkeeper then adds 12% tax.
How much will the radio now cost?  Answer to the nearest Rupee.
Num Question Marks Answer
4 Simplify the following:
(√49 x √84) (√132 x √77)
1 7/11
5 Simplify the following:
(sin 60) x (cosec 60) ÷ (tan 60)
1 1/√3
6 The population of a town is 15,780.
The population grows at a rate of 4% per annum.
What will the town's population be in 3 years?  Calculate to the nearest whole number.
1 17,750
7 Tara is 9 years older than Sunita
Anita is 4 times the age of Sunita.
The total age of all 3 is 93.
How old is Tara?
1 23yrs
8 A rectangular garden is 15m longer than its wide.
The garden has an area of 324m
What is the width of the garden?
1 12m
9 Dill bought an item in a shop for Rs 46,275.
2 weeks ago the item was on sale for Rs 38,200.
What is the percentage increase (inflation)?  Give your answer to the nearest %.
1 21%
10 Bhim spends Rs 424 buying a total of 46 mangoes and bananas.
Each mango costs Rs 20 and each banana costs Rs 4.
How many mangoes did Bhim buy?
1 15
11 Deepak can complete a task in 12 days.
Prem can complete the same task in 14 days.
Deepak and Prem work together for 5 days before Deepak leaves .
How many more days will it take Prem to finish the task?  Calculate to the nearest whole
1 3 days
12 Town X is 123 km from town Y.
Anju takes 3 hours 22 mins to drive from X to Y.
Bhim takes 3 hours 35 mins to drive from X to Y.
What is the difference in the average speed of Anju and the average speed of Bhim?
Give your answer to the nearest km/h.
1 2km/h
13 Bhim has a 6 sided dice.
Bhim throws the dice 4 times.
What is the probability that Bhim gets a six only in his first throw?
1 125/1296
14 A bus leaves town A at 0643 hrs on its way to town B.
The bus travels at an average speed of 37 km/h.
The distance between town A and town B is 201 km.
What time does the bus arrive at town B? Calculate to the nearest minute.
1209 hrs
12:09 pm
15 A Regiment has a total of 648 soldiers.
88% of the soldiers are English and 12% are Scottish.
44 more Scottish soldiers join the Regiment.
What percentage of the Regiment's soldiers are Scottish now?  Answer to the nearest %.
1 18%
Model Question 2012
1.     Solve
2.     There are 51 soldiers carrying an average weight of 53 kg of baggage on an expedition. An extra 17 porters join the group. What is the average weight of baggage that each porter has to carry now? Answer to the nearest kg.
3.     The original cost of a radio is Rs. 5,240. The shopkeeper gives you a 26% discount on this price. The shopkeeper then adds 16% tax. How much will radio now cost? Answer to the nearest Rupee.
4.     Simplify
5.     Find the value of x

6.     Solve
7.     Simplify
8.     A rectangular garden is 4m longer than its wide. The garden has an area of 192  what is the width of the garden.
9.     Anita is 7 years older than Sunita. Manita is three times the age of Sunita. The total age of all three is 122. Find the age of Anita.
10.   Sabin bought an item in a shop for Rs. 44,275. 2 weeks ago the item was on sale for Rs. 36,200. What is the percentage increase (inflation). Give your answer to the nearest %.
11.   Sharmila borrowed Rs. 1, 50,000 from Ramila at the rate of 21% per annum. Find the compound interest at the end of 2 years.
12.   There was 22% decrement on a sale. The sale was further decreased by two third. Find the total decrement on the sale. Answer to the nearest %.
13.   A bus leaves from the station X at 1465 hrs and reached the station Y at 1725 yrs. Find the average speed of the bus. The distance between X and Y is 210 km.
14.   Ram has a six sided dice. He throws the dice 6 times. What is the probability that she gets a four only in her first, second and third throw.
15.   A Regiment has a total of 848 soldiers. 84% of them are English and 16% are Scottish. 32 more Scottish soldiers join the Regiment. What percentage of the Regiment’s soldiers is Scottish now? Answer to the nearest %.
Answers: 1.  2. 40 kg  3. Rs.4,620 4.   5.  6.   7.  8. 12m 9. Anita = 30 yrs 10. 22% 11. Rs.69,615 12. 74% 13. 90 km/hr 14.


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