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Dashing Dangal

Dangal made my Sunday holiday on 15 Jan 2017.

In the country like Nepal, parents are still desperately awaiting for the sons even though they already have half a dozen of daughters. Basically, they only believe in boys who have potentials to fulfill their dreams. This film is the perfect slap for those thoughts.

In this film, Mahavir Sing Phogat is the character of retired wrestler. He already has a daughter as a first child and has been expecting for the second child as a son. But he also gets the daughter as second child. The only reason why he has been expecting the son is to make a wrestler like him if he has so.

He shows his absolute dissatisfaction when he has the second daughter. One day, he sees a boy has been beaten by his daughters.  Then, his perception towards girls has been changed forever . And he starts training for his daughters. Initially, he is criticized because her daughters have to fight and practice against boys. Even her daughters are mocked by their colleagues because they have short hair like boys. Leaving these all nonsenses , Geeta wins the state level championship to the national level championship. Now, his eyes are on International level gold medal for his country. Even if her daughter Geeta is defeated two participatins, she wins the gold medal in her third participation for her country as the first gold medal in wrestling. In this way, his dream is fulfilled by her daughters.

Instead of expecting more sons, educate your daughters equally. They will be more than your sons. As we can see, daughters take care of their parents more than sons do. So, either you have daughters or sons, the blessing of the god. Treat them equally.


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