Slaughtering innocent animals and eating their meats we celebrate Dashain and Tihar. Don't know we earn sin or virtue. More precisely those who celebrate Dashain. Am against the way of celebrating any kind of any festivals of any religion. So, strict animals rights should be made and implemented everywhere so that they can live their lives freely.
In the name of god and in search of virtuousness, we offer innocent animals to god. If there is god in this world like the religons has mentioned, the god loves all the creatures equally. we always say that we have the rights to live. In the same way, the same rights should be given to the animals as well. So, instead of sacrificing animals, we care them. If we care them, god becomes happy and we will be blessed.
There is only difference between animals and human being is that we can express our feelings and they can´t. So, we have been taking benifit of it. But the feelings are same. Hurting others we can´t get anything besides cursed curses. So, respect them and let them live.
Happy Dashain 2072 to all!
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