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An Important Message To The Lovers

Would like to request you all the boys and girls not only to follow the established and successful persons but also to support your boyfriends and girl friends whatever they are today. Give them your love and support when they are in hard times and equally enjoy their achievements. Keep motivating them because your one sweet word magnifies their energies. So, keep motivating them until they become the established and successful persons themselves. You all play the role of the catalyst for each other and enjoy your successful lives.

On the other hand, if you leave them because of their failures or other simple reasons, their lives can be ruined. I have seen some people started having drugs while others stopped studying. In this way, their careers would be damaged. So, I would like to request you all to read at least once the love story between renowned football player David Beckham and very famous singer Victoria Beckham from Spice Girls.

When both of them felt in love, Victoria was in her height of fame but Beckham was in a struggling career in football. Even though he was struggling, Victoria never left him. She kept supporting him. So, we know the result today that both of them are in the successes of their saturation points. I think it is worth to follow their feet steps by every girls and boys.

The story begins here…

It was 1996, and Victoria Beckham was at the height of her fame in the pop-girl group, the spice girls [p.s. then & now]. Aptly known as Posh Spice, she would have had a million want-to-be suitors the world over, but none had taken her fancy . . . yet. Although, one day, while flicking through a photo book of up and coming sports stars, Posh paused on a photo of David Beckham and jokingly stated to her friends that she wouldn’t mind asking him out on a date. Quite conveniently, at this time, Posh’s band mate Mel C (a.k.a. Sporty Spice) was dating David’s teammate Ryan Giggs, and Victoria began accompanying her to games.

One evening, following a Manchester United game against Sheffield Victoria met up with David in the players bar — the poor footballer was so nervous, the pop star did all she could to break the ice. Whatever she did though, it worked — David was instantly smitten with her.

 “As soon as she smiled, I knew everything was going to be okay.”

It was early 1997 and the pair were enjoying the anonymity of their newly budding relationship. A number of low-key dates ensured their romance could remain private as they learned all the wonderful personal details of one another, and ultimately, fell in love.
For the first three months it was amazing because no one found out about us being together, we loved that because we could sneak around. Our first kiss was in the car park of a restaurant. We used to drive to places and just spend as much time together as possible. That was an amazing time in our relationship.
Although, as they knew it always would, their relationship was eventually made public, and their fans were ecstatic! After numerous public appearances, a trend became apparent — the pair had an adorable penchant for matching outfits. 
Their relationship only thrived after becoming ‘public’, and following a year of dating, on the 25th of January 1998,, David knelt down on one knee with a 3-carat marquise-cut diamond ring, and proposed to the love of his life.

I hope it is worth reading for you all and learn something somehow.


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