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My Mother's Dreams & My Struggle

 I was born in a simple family in a remote village called Khalde of Yashok VDC of Panchthar. My parents were farmers as most of Nepali people are. It wasn’t difficult to make daily bread and butter and to change clothes twice a year. It was a complete village life. We grew corn, wheat, paddy, rice etc. as the main crops in our farmland. My parents usually spent their time working in the farmland. They were under educated. We only had to depend on agriculture. There were no any extra sources of income. Besides that, they pet cattle, goats, pigs, buffalos, and chickens.

We were seven in total including my parents in our family but we are six now. I am the third member of my family. My two younger brothers were added after nine years I was born. We were brought up in the good environment except for my two younger brothers.

Talking about my parents, they were almost illiterate. My father has studied up to class four and my mother had studied up to class five. It is said that we learn most of the things from our experience in the course of time. Obviously, they also faced so many mind changing problems So that they truly knew the value of education. I am saying it because they were truly aware of educating us. So, they sent us to school at the right time. I am really proud of my parents.

My grandfather was a so called land lord of my village. He had eight sons and three daughters. Among them, my father only studied up to class four including three daughters but the rest of others had studied up to bachelor level. They had a good education and social status in their society.

On the other hand, my mother had studied up to class five. She was only one daughter of her family. She was brought up so lovingly environment as she said to us. It is said that her mind was sharp in the study. Though there was no system of educating the females at that time, she was sent to school and she studied.

In our village, there was a primary school but now it became a secondary level school. I along with my elder sister and brother completed our primary level education from there. My brother was excellent at education. He used to be first in his class. Comparing with my brother my sister was a bit weak in the study.  I was also good enough in the study. I always used to be first in my class.

When I was in class one, my brother and sister were in class six. We had a bit age gap between me and my brother and sister. So, they were bigger class than me. When I remember my school days, it was a big fun. There were no career concern tensions and responsibilities. The only thing was that we had to study well.

Our primary school was quite near to our home. But, to get the higher education, we had to walk about two hours. Besides that, we had a daily routine to cut grass or to bring firewood before going to school. When we reached school, our clothes completely soaked with sweats. It was very difficult to get the education.

Following my elders, I also completed my primary level education. I still remember that when I came back from school I used to go for breast feeding. I was well cared for by my elders as it is said that I was a bit unhealthy when I was small. So, my mother might be more concerned about me. My mother gave birth to us in her small age. Obviously, she, therefore, became fragile. In the same way, my father also had to do hard work in the small age to manage domestic problems. As the matter of fact, he used to be sick frequently.

On our holidays, we had to spend our time wedding rice, maize or other crops or rearing other cattle. There was a brook quite near to our home. So, most of our holidays, we used to fishing. It was a big fun for us. We also used to swim there.

Our sources of income only depended on agriculture. For that, we used to sell pigs, goats, buffalos, cattle, chickens and agricultural products. To sell our agricultural products, we had to go to the market. It was two hours long walk from our home. So, we buy our necessary items from there.

In the beginning, our economic condition was strong. As we grew up, the financial problem started. There were so many reasons behind those problems. As far as I know, my father and mother were married at their age of 15 and 14. So, my mother gave birth to us in her small age. Obviously, she, therefore, became fragile. In the same way, my father also had to do hard work in his small age. It made him weaker. When I was in class four, my father started to be sick. He had to go to hospitals from local hospitals to Nurvic hospitals in Kathmandu including Dharan, Damak. Actually, he had a problem of blood pressure. At the end he became normal. But my mother started to be sick. It is said that when my father was sick, my mother had to take all responsibilities on her shoulder.  Taking responsibilities of both her and my father, she had to do hard work. So, the condition of her health started to deteriorate. Then, we also had to do treatment to her so called big hospitals in Nepal but we couldn’t cure her. Actually, she had the problem of stomach or gastric. So, our saving money spent on treatment.

It is said that mother is everything for a family though father also has the equal responsibilities. Being my mother out of the house, we became as the condition of out of the head of bees because my father also had to go with my mother. At the same time, my youngest brother who was below a year old age had to take with her wherever she went. She had to take care for him though she was sick.

At the same time, I had to go to another school. It was a two-hour walk from my home. It is said that I was a bit weak and too young for that. So, my parents decided not to send me the school for a year concerning my health problem and tender age. I also convinced that. I, therefore, had to rear our cattle or to do domestic work for a year. I still remember that it was also fun. On the other hand, mother’s treatment was on the way. But the thing was that we were unable to win our purpose. Spending my time like these, another school session was started.

I was admitted to a school where my elder sister and brother had studied. In this school, we could study only up to class eight. It was a lower secondary school. The matter of fact, my elder sister and brother were not in that school. So, they had already shifted to another school for their higher education. It was a bit farther than the lower secondary school.

The environment of going school was being deteriorated though I was sent.  I wasn’t aware of everything at that time. Obviously, I was confused sometimes. But I started to go to school. When I went to school, my previous friends were in class seven. I alone had to study in class six. I felt a bit of shame at that time.

When I came back to school, all my previous friends welcomed me. They wished me to study well. The moments were so heart rending, I remember. So, I was somehow encouraged by my friends but I was fully encouraged by my parents. I made some new friends in my class. It was becoming interesting in my class. We introduced each other because most of the students have come from different schools in the same class. It was fun as well.

I remember that I was a quite industries person from the beginning. I never felt bored in the study rather I wanted to study time and again as I am today. Besides that, I have a quite good mind. I think that I am blessed by my god to study and to make my career in the study. I also studied well enough.

It was a government school. At that time, there was a system of taking two exams in a session.  One was called semiannual exam and another was called annual exam.

I had been approaching the semiannual exam. Whereas, my mother was not well until that time rather her health was deteriorating. In this complicated circumstances, I gave my exam. I did exam well. Then, it was the time to announce the result. I scored highest marks in all subjects. I told my mother about my results. She became so happy and congratulated me. She said to me “if you will become the first in the class, I will give you a big red cock as a present”. It motivated me to study more laboriously. She wished me to be a doctor and serve patient like me and poor. I nodded my head as an answer. It was a heart touching moment. It might be she wanted to make me a doctor because she was faced so many problems in hospitals though she was not cured. At that time I became so emotional and still I become a bit emotional when I remember those moments. But, my results made happy not only my mother but also my whole family.

I regularly went to school. I felt more responsible for my study. Every teacher started to love me. Everyone started to know me as a good student in the school. I felt more encouraged. I started to study more than before to keep my results as it was.

I was quite good at each subject. But I will never forget my math teacher named Hiralal Shaha. He helped me and encouraged me more than a teacher does. Though I was good at mathematics, he cared me more like my guardian. I am so grateful and debits to him. I still have a great respect and love for him. If anyone asked me who was your best teacher during your school time, no doubtfully I would say my math teacher “ Hiralal shaha”. There were so many teachers in my school who helped me make a good student. I also can’t forget them. They also had a great role for me. But my math teacher was far above than them, I have ever found in my studying career.

In the contest of teachers, I can’t forget my teacher Janak Chemjong who helped me as a guardian though he wasn’t my school teacher. He helped me to brush up my English every now and then. He was a real teacher because he taught me for my goodness but not for money. I met him in the end of my school time or before my SLC examination.

My annual exam was nearing, I was also preparing for the exam. At the same time, my mother’s health was becoming worse day by day. She didn’t use to sleep even a wink during the night because of her pain. The environment of the home was not good for study. She always used to say that I might not survive. I couldn’t make you the person that I had thought rather you would get in trouble because of me. I as well as you all are so unfortunate because I am not cured. If I will die, you elders have to care for your small brothers. At that time, my youngest brother was just a year old. He wasn’t taken care of well because of my mother’s sickness. But he was healthy enough. You all still have to go ahead. I want and bless you all to become a great person. There will be so many difficulties while you will be struggling to reach your destination. But you don’t shake your legs before reaching your destination. One day, obviously, you will reach your destination. I always want to see your bright future. She always used to say these words. While she was speaking like these words, my heart was being pinched and wrenched by her each word. I also wanted to be a great person as my mother said.

It was winter 2054 BS. My elder brother wasn’t at home. He had been in Kathmandu for approximately four months. It was a day before of my mother’s death. My elder sister went to the market. At that time, my mother asked for her to bring boiling potatoes. On that very day, I went to graze our cattle. In the evening, we all came back to the home. As my mother’s wish, my sister brought boiling potatoes. But they were cold. So, my mother wished to eat them another morning. We were sitting around the fireplace after having our meal talking about the different things. It was an amazing thing that my two younger brothers didn’t want to sleep with my mother. We had a separate room which was built by my elder brother where we used to sleep me along with my elder sister and two small brothers. My mother used to sleep alone on the ground floor. My father used to sleep on the upper floor in the same house because most of the time my mother used to cry because of her pain. So, we all separated to sleep in our different beds.

The next day morning, it was the day of losing our mother. My sister got up early in the morning and she requested to mother to open the door. My mother neither spoke nor opened the door. So, she started to yell. After some time, my father came down to the ground floor and opened the door then they checked. My mother was not breathing. She had just gone away from this world. We all cried but we couldn’t bring back my mother. Listening to our yelling and crying, all neighbors gathered at our house. They also cried. Someone tried to convince us not to cry but we couldn’t convince them.

 Afterward, we took my mother into the grave far from our house with our culture. I cut her nails in the grave before she was buried. My father asked me to touch my mother’s toes on my forehead. As my father’s wished, I did it for the last time. Then my mother was lost forever in front of my eyes. My eyes welled up. I cried.  My mother left us forever. We had only some photos and the place where we took my mother in her memory. We lost the word of the mother. It became the strange word for us mother or ‘aama’. We were deprived of it. It was very embarrassing moments and day for us in our entire lives. We lost all inspiring, all loving and all caring mother. There was nothing remaining for us. We were looted completely leaving nothing. Our happiness was taken away from us for forever.

We finished my mother’s ritual of death. But the amazing thing was that my two small brothers never asked for mother. I think it was all managed by the god. Seeing the amazing reactions of my small brother onwards, I truly started to believe in god or so called supernatural power. Even my small brother who was a year old, he never asked for mother. In that morning of my mother’s death, my youngest brother tried to feed my mother’s breast. It was so heart rending. The situations really went against us. No one can believe it. It was so pathetic.

I again started to go to school after finishing my mother’s death ritual. Everyone consoled me including my all teachers. My friend said to me that my math teacher became so nervous about listening to my mother’s death. Actually, he loved me so much. I think a couple of months later, my final exam was held. I gave my best in the exam. I became the first in the exam. I got prizes from the school but I didn’t get the prize of a big red cock from my mother as my mother said because my mother was not in this world. Albeit I became the first I couldn’t make happy my mother. I remembered my mother’s words at that time and I wept. But the thing was that we had to accept the law of nature.

After the death of my mother, we all went to live in my grandfather’s house. It is said that when a snake is old, the frog will tease him as we were treated bitterly by everybody. They always wanted to send our own house. I think my father didn’t have any bad intensions of taking grandfather’s property. But they took us negatively. We went there to forget my mother’s death. They actually treated very badly. It made us more vulnerable because of their behaviors.

Finally, my father decided to return back to our own house. I think it was a right decision at on that situation because we were unable to endure any more misbehaviors. We were also happy with our father’s decision. We came back to our own house approximately one month later. We left the hell and returned back to our own heaven. It was a romantic moment to come back to our own house. I think at that time our house was also waiting for us. Then we started to live in our own house once again.  

It was time for me to go to school in a new class. I had already passed class six being the class first. I started to go to school with new energy and commitment. At that time, I felt more responsible for my study. I studied harder than before.

Though we lost our mother, my father took care of us very well. He is the person who worshiped the education. Before, we were well off. We had a good balance of money. Medicating my father and mother, we spent all our money. But we don’t have the loan to pay. So, in the name of the property, we had agricultural products, cattle, buffalos, goats, and chickens. He was never reluctant to give me money when I asked to buy books and stationery materials. Even not putting money for him, he used to give me. He was an education hunger man.

When I was in class seven, my elder sister and brother both passed the SLC examination. Now, they had to go to the college. But, the situation of the house was not good. If my father sent both them, there was a disaster for us because there was no one to look after us. Keeping all these in mind, my father decided to send college only my brother and my sister had to stay at home taking care of us. It was a good decision for us but for my sister it was a bitter decision. But, she accepted it. She was ready to stay being like a mother concerning our future. Though she passed the SLC, she couldn’t celebrate the result. It was one of the worst moments for her. On the other hand, all her friends including my elder brother went to college. But she had to stay at home taking care of us. It was unfortunate for her. In our lives, my sister was a second mother because if there was no my sister, we couldn’t study. She has been helping us every now and then.

At that time, there was no college near somewhere. So, we had to go far away from home. It was very costly. For the people like us, it was almost impossible. We also spent much money for my brother for his study. He actually studied in Dhankuta. It was far from our home. He used to come at home only on his vacations.

On the other hand, I became the school first in class seven. I got the attractive prizes. It encouraged me more to go ahead. I was appreciated more. In class eight, I became first once again. It was a district level examination. Besides that, I also used to stand first in extracurricular activities like expelling contests, inter school general competitions, debate competitions, sketching competitions etc. furthermore, I used to write poems, songs, essays and sketch picture. In my leading role, we also used to organize programs like inter school quiz competition, farewell programs, picnic programs etc. In those programs, I used to conduct those programs. At that time, I was so active. I was not only good at the study but also good at extracurricular activities. In one sentence, I was all rounder.

In class nine, I became school first once again. I also got the scholarship in class nine. I made my family so happy. But, I missed so much my mother when I achieved my success. If my mother would be there with me, how much she might be happy, I imagined at that time. But, I only imagined. There was nothing more than except that. I thought that she might be happy in heaven having seen my achievement.

When I was in class nine, my father left the house. He went to India. We couldn’t stop him going India tough we requested him for thousands of times. I think his mind was diverted because of the memory of mother. At the same time, my elder brother had finished his college. He had come to the home. So, my elder sister and brother together managed the house. They made us the environment to study. I am so much grateful to them.

At the beginning of class nine, I went to earn some money carrying the log of wood in Dhankuta with my close friend. It was not my obligation; it was my choice at that time though I came at the right time keeping in mind my study. I actually saw and got on the bus for the first time, at that time. It was my one of the memorable moments of my life. I worked there only three days in total. In fact, I earned Rs. 690. That was my first earning.

On the other hand, my brother was being so much anxious about my study. He was wept too remembering me and my study. In fact, he loved me so much. If I didn’t come to the home at the right time, he made a plan to come to take me home. But, I came back home at the right time. My school had just started when I came back home. Then, I started to go to school. Those moments were so beautiful.

I studied well in class ten. It was my SLC giving time. It was the end of my school time. I gave my best effort to study. In the pre-SLC examination, I obtained good marks. I became the first as well. At the same time, my elder brother became the British Army. It was the best moment for our lives. It was our good fortune too. I started to prepare for the SLC examination. We had to go to headquarter to give the SLC examination because of security problem. At that time, Nepal was in trouble of civil war. It was very difficult to live civil life. We only listened to the death and injury of people. People were killed for no reasons. But, we gave our SLC examination in tight security. I did my best in the exam and came back home with the hope of the good result.

At the end of my class ten, there was a district level essay and quiz competition. I was sent to my school with two other friends. We only became the fourth in the quiz competition. But, I alone participated in the quiz competition. I didn’t expect of winning. It was the education day one day after our competitions were held. It was the day of prize distribution. Approximately twelve noon, the program was held. There were so many people around the program. Many respected guests were sitting on the stage. The announcer started to announce the winner. My name also announced as an essay competition winner. I didn’t believe at first. My name was called once again. I went to the stage. Everybody was clapping in the same rhythm. I was so nervous at that time. I got the money and certificate as a winner from the hand of CDO. It was a very touching moment in my life and great achievement as well.

Having returned home from the SLC examination, it was time for us to plant the rice. I ploughed the farm with oxen. We planted the rice. I also ploughed the corn field and planted the corn. We wedded it. I had to work a day to day being a farmer. I experienced that. Besides that, I wanted to study science subject in college. So, I prepared for the entrance exam. Furthermore, I spent my rest of the time rearing cattle, cutting grass, fetching firewood etc.

My brother sent us letters frequently and he called us some time at that time. Talking on the phone with him was almost impossible at that time because there were no telephones around there. To reach access of telephone either we had to go two hours walk or we had to reach head quarter. But exchanging letters was quite an easy one. My brother sent us letters concerning our home condition, about two small brothers and about me. The letters were written in the name of my sister.

In the course of time, my SLC result was published. I obtained the good marks. Everyone became happy. I also became happy. We celebrated my result. It took for some days to get mark sheet. At the same time, my father had come after two years long India stay. He also became happy. I and my elder sister went to headquarter to make nationality certificate. We made it. Then it was time for us to prepare for the college.

I had a dream of studying science from my childhood. At that time, studying science was a challenging subject for everyone. Having studied it, we would get great respect and there were great chances of the job as a teacher everywhere. Another fact was that I wanted to study science because one of my uncles had studied science and I saw that he was respected by people as a god everywhere. So, I wanted to be like him. Besides that, my family also encouraged me, especially my father had dreamed of studying my science. I didn’t want to let him down as well as my family.

But, I had a dream of being an engineer. At that time, the situation of the house was good economically due to my elder brother. It is said that the food of python is managed by the god. In the same way, I had a great opportunity for me to study. My elder brother managed all for it. I am so grateful to him. My elder brother decided to send college not only me but also my elder sister. I think he had a dream of studying sister.

It was necessary to pass the entrance exam to study science. I had prepared for that. Furthermore, I wanted to study at Httisar college in Dharan. It was a famous college in Nepal at that time. So, to pass the entrance exam to study at this college was very difficult. But, I passed the entrance exam and l got a great opportunity to study at this college. I came to Dharan with my father to fill in the form of entrance exam. We returned back to home having filled the form. Next time, I alone came to Dharan to face the entrance exam.

Afterward, it had been published my name in the passing list from the entrance exam. I came to know it from the telephone talk. Then, I along with my elder sister came to Dharan for study leaving father and two small brothers at home. It was one of the worst moments for me and my sister because my sister had been taking care for them.

It was another most embarrassing day of my life. It was time for me and my sister to leave for Dharan from home. In that morning, when we were about to leave, my small brothers started to cry. We couldn’t stop them crying especially, my second small brother. They had to stay with my father. But they liked to be with my sister. They requested my sister not to leave them. They said that they would become uncared if she left them. But we couldn’t do anything. It was all scheduled. We left home full of tears. My second small brother followed us but he couldn’t stop us. We came so tearfully. It still pinches my heart when I remember those moments.    
We came to Dharan. It took two days to come to Dharan. We stayed in a rented room. It was very difficult to cook on the stove. It smelled so bad because we used kerosene to cook our meal. It was almost difficult to eat the meal. But we became familiar in the course of time.

 I admitted to Hattisar College whereas my sister admitted in Mahendra College. We started to go to college. It was very difficult at the beginning because we were completely new to such a big city like Dharan and I also had a very difficult subject. I had to study so hard. Another thing was that I came from Nepali medium school but I had to study completely in English medium in college. So, it was so difficult at first. But, I slowly started to understand. There was no another way than that. I had to be familiar with it by hook or by crook.

It might be two months, we came to Dharan. One day, my father came to Dharan with two little brothers. It was an astonishing moment for us. But, we became happy, my father and two little brothers faced so many problems searching for us. He said that at first, they went to my sister’s college to search for the sister. But, they were unable to meet her. Then, they went to my college. They searched for me from my name. It was their fortune that they met my friend who brought to our rented room. On that very day, I didn’t go to college. It had been a long time, we hadn’t met with them. On the other hand, we were longing to meet them. Meeting with them, we became so happy. After some days, my father returned home whereas my two little brothers stayed with us and we went to the home on our winter vacation along with my two brothers. It was an amazing moment for us.

After the winter vacation, my sister decided to stay at home caring for them. She contributed to our lives so much. She even left her college. She took two small brothers to Yashok bazaar because we decided to admit two small brothers in a boarding school there. I came to Dharan all alone at that time. I studied so hard. I gave my first year’s exam. Then, it started my second year. It was a two years course. In my second year, I also faced the heart breaking problems. It was about to start my exam. At the same time, my father became sick. So, I had to take him to the hospital several times. I had been taking tuition class at that time. But, I left it for the betterment of my father. I gave my exam well having a bit in depression because there was no other ways than that. It was the obligation of time, we had to face. So, I faced it. No one can stop the flow of time rather we have to cope with it.

It is very difficult to say about my father India stay, he had faced so many troubles. Owing to him, he was cheated many times. He was tried to be beaten many times. He stayed vigil whole night many times.  He was served as a beggar there. He had to stay hungry for several days. One night, he had no money at all. So, he had to sleep on the pavement of a shop. It was so cold and raining outside there. He wanted to sleep on the pavement of the shop but the shopkeeper scolded him bitterly and he made him go away. He was served as a beggar. Then, he went somewhere far there. It was early in the evening. After closing of shopkeeper’s shop, he went again there and spent a whole night on the pavement of that shop. There was no other option than that for him to do. Early in the morning, he got up and he left the place because if he stayed there until late morning, he could be beaten. When I listened to it, I so pitied him and became so sad. But there was nothing to do with it.

When I finished my college, my elder brother came to Nepal in his leave. His leave was given once in a period of three years. He bought a beautiful house in Dharan and we all settled in Dharan.  My small brother also started to study in Dharan. We all became so happy with brother.

Though I have been facing so many ups and downs till this age, I never give up my hope. I always tackled it. I am in mid-twenties right now but I have faced the situations more than my age. I never wasted my time doing unwanted things rather I tried to make it more meaningful. Trying to do some task, I might be the failure but I learned practical education from my failure which has been helping me to see the long distance of my life. It is said that if we don’t fall down, we can’t learn to walk. Every failure teaches me to make the strategy to conquer my weakness. I am a very positive person and it is a great asset to my life. I don’t see any impossibility on everything though there were so many failures in my own life.

When I was in school, I read a biography of Parijat which touched me a lot. It also encouraged me a lot. Later, on the days of college, I have read so many books in different genres. Reading books is my habit like smoking. I am addicted to it. Besides that, I am a sentimental person who loved to listen to the music. It also encouraged me. On the verge of reading books, I read ‘Top Ten Habits of Billionaires’, it inspired me a lot. It added me a brick in my life. In the same way, I read the book called ‘Living Microsoft to Change the World’ by John Wood. It also encouraged me a lot. Similarly, I read ‘The Audacity of Hope’ by Barrack Obama, it also added me more fuel in my life. In the same way, I read all inspiring book named ‘YOU CAN WIN’, it not only encouraged me but also it changed my perception. Then, I am so inspired by the life of Steve Jobs. Once I got the opportunity to watch the speech of Steve Jobs which had been given on the graduation day of Stanford University’s students on youtube. It brought me positive thoughts to me. In the end, Jobs requested all to be ‘stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’. It was really fruitful for me. I am trying to follow him and his words. I am also very grateful to from which I got more knowledge. Besides that, I am so much inspired by my mother. I am still following her ways which she showed me. The persons and the books which I mentioned above are my great sources of inspiration. They always push me to do something productive.

Life is compromise. In every step, we have to compromise. Life is a wonderful gift for us though it isn’t eternal. We have so many things to do in this life. There is no measurement of success but what we have, we have to be satisfied. If we expect more than we need, it may cause troubles in our life. At least we try to do our best in our day to day work; if we can’t do so then we don’t harm others. The grass is not always green. We have to absorb closely on everything. Before making any decision, we have to see the consequences of it. If we break the trust, it will be very difficult to be trusted again. A smooth sea never made skillful mariner. So, we have to be strong ourselves. Unless we trust ourselves, we can’t do even an easy task. So, we have to believe in ourselves. I remember a saying of Albert Einstein that ‘try not to become the success, rather try to become a man of value’.

 If we achieve anything easily, it has no value in our life. But after doing excessive struggle, in the end, if we get the achievement what we were longing for that will value us preciously. To support it, I want to add a story; a biology teacher was teaching students how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. He told the students that in the next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon, but no one should help the butterfly. Then he left.

The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggle to get out of the cocoon and against the teacher, one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly out of the cocoon. He broke the cocoon to help the butterfly so it didn’t have to struggle anymore. But, shortly afterward, the butterfly died.

When the teacher returned, he was told what had happened. He explained to the student that it is a law of nature that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps develop and strengthen the butterfly’s wings. By helping the butterfly, the boy had deprived of its struggle and butterfly died.

It is a very true story. Struggle strengthens our power and lets us know our weakness. Then it becomes easier to go forward. We only see the result of success but we don’t see the hidden part of success. There will be so many failures behind it if we study every success. So, the failure is the part of success. Success isn’t measured by our positions in life but by the obstacles, we overcome to get there.

If your thinking is beautiful everything is beautiful, but your thinking is crook, everything is crook. The defeat was a detour, not a dead end. Success and money go hand in hand but money is not everything though it matters in our lives to some extent. Money doesn’t make a person rich rather it makes him poorer. But if we follow the knowledge, in fact, it makes the persons richer strengthening the abilities to tackle the problems. Successful people don’t do the great things, they only do mall things in a great way. I pursue an ideology that is ‘I am born to win not lose’.  
Lastly, I still have to do many things. It is just a beginning. I have to make my mother’s dreams into reality and I have to reach the expectations of my family.  Moreover, I still have to contribute to my nation and the entire world and make a name. I am just trying for that.


It is a real story of my life. I included my mother’s dreams and my struggle in this book. I hope reading my book; somehow, you get the encouragement in your life. It is a jumble of success and failure but the theme is that never give up.
I have written two books already called ‘Gurkha Education Preparation Practice Book’ and ‘Gurkha Education Preparation Guess Paper’. It is my third attempt. I hope that I will get the same success from this book as well and you will accept me as a writer once again that inspired me in writing ahead.
I completely dedicate this book to my late mother named Jag Maya Rai. If she had not been in this world, I also will not be in this world. She is my god. She is my source of inspiration and in one sentence she is everything for me.
Besides that, I would like to thank whole my family, unless their support, I couldn’t do anything especially my father, brothers and sister.  I also want to give a huge thanks to Teepahang bhai ands bosom friends Bidhya Bantawa and Bipin Rai. Then, I would like to thank all of my friends, relatives, and my well-wishers.
Finally, there could be mistakes in this book though I tried to make it hundred percent. If you find any mistakes while reading this book, please do inform me because your information makes me stronger in me in writing for next time. Thank you all.



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