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Living In Another Country


Almost one year back, we all family members assembled together for a cause. It had been for a long time since we didn´t meet each other since we dispersed in different countries in search of living lives. After the completion of that cause, everyone started to go back to their own destinations. In the course of leaving, the turn of my brother in law has come.

My brother in law is in abroad for his own reason but my sister lives with us in Dharan. We have only one sister and we have two cute nephews from them. My younger nephew was around 3 years at that time but he used to speak very well including difficult words. When his father came home, he always used to be with him almost all the time. He used to like his father a lot. He wanted to do everything with his father. But the time has arrived to say goodbye to his father. He also knew that his father was leaving him. He started to cry babbling not to leave him. Even he insisted on going with him. When I saw the eyes of my brother in law, the eyes of his were already full of tears. Even if he didn´t want to leave his small son he had to because he has so many promises to fulfill. If he didn´t go there was no one to arrange the bread and butter for them. Witnessing this complicated situation, my eyes had also become full of tears.

On the other day, I asked him where his father went. He replied he went to Bidesh which means abroad. He also added that his father will come soon.  A few days later, my sister said that he kept asking his father when he went to bed and when he woke up in the night. He had the habit of sleeping his father. These days, he speaks every day with his father on the video call. So, they quench their thirsts of obsceneness talking on the video call.  Thanks to the technology.

This is just a leading story from around half of the population of our country because they are in abroad. There are several tragic stories in our society. There are so many things to be proud for our country but we haven´t got a leader for our country yet who can address all these problems like Lee Kuan Yew the leader of Singapore. We are desperate and helpless.


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