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An Unheard Story

No matter how your country and family are they are always in your hearts. If anyone has to leave his country and family that can be the most heartbreaking moment of his life. But if anyone has to go abroad to fulfill his dream which must be the compulsion, not the choice.  I have a similar story here which embodies how much a mother misses her son in absence of her son.
This is a real story told to me by my friend. I think this is only a representing story of our society but there are so many identical untold stories in every house of our country where every mother misses her son similarly because her sons have to go abroad to sell their sweats in search of pursuing their dreams.

Around 20,000 Nepalese immigrants live in Portugal and among them is Man. He is the only one son of his family with two sisters. His family used to live in a village of Taplejung but they are now in Jhapa.

He came to Portugal around 5 years ago. Everyone comes here to have a resident card of Portugal. For that, they have to pay the tax to the government working anywhere. According to Portuguese rule, generally, if you pay the tax of 6 months, you are eligible for the card. But those who are lucky enough, they only get the card in 6 months. Otherwise, they have to keep paying tax for a long time until they have the finger in SEF. After having the resident card of here, you can go to your country and again you can come here. His finger also didn´t happen in time.

On the other hand his mother never tired of waiting for her son. Every year she bought a piglet and petted until big for the marriage of her son. As we know every parents dream of the marriage of their children.  But her son didn´t come because his son didn´t get the card. When the piglet became big, she sold that pig and she bought another piglet expecting the arrival of her son. He did it time and again every year. In the end she had to sell her pig because her son didn´t come.

After the patience of a few years, her son finally succeeded to have the finger in SEF in Portugal. The finger is a term that is usually called when the person´s fingerprints are taken by the SEF in Portugal which means he is legally authorized to stay and work in Portugal. Having had the finger, he is given the resident card but he has to wait for the certain time which takes few months or few years time. It depends on the luck.

Even though her son waited for his card for some months, he didn´t get the card. One day, he decided to go to Nepal with his finger paper and he went. According to his mother´s wish, he got married to the beautiful wife and made her happy. But his mother passed away after 20 days of his marriage day. So, he couldn´t make her happy for a long time. Spending a couple of months in Nepal, he has to return back to Portugal. But he was deported from the Lisbon airport because he only had finger paper. He didn´t have the resident card of Portugal.

He felt awkward to go back to Nepal again but there were no choices for him to get back. He worried so much about his life and his family. It took him a few days to get over from this stress. He lost the hope of getting his card and he decided to do some business in Dharan. He started the business. He just focused on his business. But his fortune or misfortune, almost a year later he got the message from his friend that he received his card. For a while, his happiness knows no bounds. He requested to his friend to send his card to him and his friend sent his card. With that card, he came to Portugal again. So, he is in Portugal now.

By listening to his story may know that we never have to lose our hope. We never know what tomorrow may bring. It takes time to happen great thing. Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. So, only we can see the stars in the darkness. Thank you Shankar Khanal bro for this story. 


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