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For French Legion Candidates

Like Singapore police and British army, French Foreign Legion army also has a good future. You get a handsome salary there. After serving for 5 years in the army, you get permanent residency of France. To be the French Legionnaire, you have to enter any French Foreign Legion Camps between Paris and Avon. If you enter in Paris, you are taken to Avon after first term tests. In first term tests, you have to give your mind tests, physical tests (pull ups, running), medical tests and short interview. When you get in the camp, the very first thing you have to do is to do minimum 5 times pull ups. Then, your mind test is taken with 12 questions. If you get through from these tests, you are given an uniform where your all belongings are taken but some day to day usable things are given. Also, your different profile is made. For example, your new name is given changing the birth date. When all these are completed, your medical test or another mind test is taken. This time the mind test is a bit difficult for you in 4 different forms. Each form carries 20 questions. Even though you are failed in this test, that doesn´t count. If you also get through from this selection, your running test is taken. Running is not that much difficult. You have to run in the basketball court with the instruction of beep sound. When you run 6 times from one side to another, one lap is counted. You have to compete 6 laps to get through the running tests. As soon as running test is completed, your pull up test is taken again. This time, you have to do 6 times pull ups. Then only your short interview is taken. Now, you are eligible to go to another camp. It takes minimum 7 days to pack up all the tests. During this time, you have to do different works inside the camp day by day. If you go to Avon, it doesn´t take long time to get your result.

Early in the morning after breakfast, you are taken to Avon. It takes half an hour to get Gare de Lyon, the train station of Paris from Fort de Nogent, paris camp. From there, you get on the train which takes almost three and half hours to get Avon. Getting off from the train, you are taken to the camp. It takes again half an hour to get the camp. Then your second term tests are started where you are given an uniform. Your belonging are completely are out of touch from you there. A bag with all the kits is given there. On the very first day, your mind tests are taken in 4 different forms. Each form of test has 36 questions. You must get through this time. If you get through from this test, you are taken to get injected on your wrist which decides your condition of medical. If you are not good, a big red lump is appeared on your wrist where you get injected. Then, you have to face two interviews namely psycho interview and Gestapo interview. In psycho interview, freaky types of questions are asked and in Gestapo interview, you have to tell your everything about your life time and aging till the date you appear in the interview. Normally, Psycho interview is taken for minimum 2 hours and psycho interview is taken for 3 hours to 7 hours. During the stay in the camp, you have to do different works as in the Paris. For this, even you have to go out of camp.

Every Thursday 1 pm onwards, the result announcement is taken place. If you fail, the camp gives you a train ticket to Paris. You get some money as well. The money is paid on the basis of €35 per day from the day you get new dress in the second term selection. Even they drop to the train station by bus.

I have made this to help those boys who are willing to be the legionaries who are looking for the correct information. I hope this will be beneficial for them.

For more information go to this link:


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