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Black Day 25th April 2015

My country is crying in a tremendous agony at the moment. We have lost many things in this calamity. I have to be with my people in this situation but I am very far from my country. I can´t be there though I wish. I read updates on my facebook about the disaster every now and then. I see the heart breaking pictures as soon as my eyes become numb. In fact I feel so helpless.

I don´t have any regret losing our historical landmarks. We can make them same like before later whenever we want but we can´t bring the lives of our people whoever lost their lives in this horrific quake. On the other hand this quake left many people wounded. They are under treatment now. I pray for their rapidy recovery. 

The whole world is helping Nepal to wipe the tears of the affected people. We are on the main focus of the world now.  I feel so honored and happy reading those news of helping hands towards us. I think if the government utilizes those packages of help properly, the affected people will be settled very well. But many Nepalese people including me suspect that the leaders can misuse those packages as well like what they were doing before.

I would like to thank those countries and people on behalf of all Nepalese who are with our needed people now. They are rescuing our trapped living people working day and night.  I hope our country will come over this situation very soon.  25th April 15 Saturday will always remain as a black in our Nepali history. The lost lives may rest in peace in heaven. We will bounce back. Lets save Nepal.

Barrack Obama´s watery eyes while watching Quake victims of Nepal

Christiano Ronaldo is thanking and appealing for help

Two Dutch little girls are playing to collect funds for Nepal

4 months old baby was rescued by Nepali Army live after 48 hours

Helping hands from different countries

Barcelona is observing 1 minute silence prior to the match between Barcelona vs Getafe


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