This is my last moment with my loving father who brought up me. He is not in this world anymore but his inspiration will go nowhere from me. I will always try to be the person what he dreamt on me though I can't be the person like him. He is my source of motivation. When I think of him, my heart says, you have to do something whatever you can but what I have a regret is that I can't do anything for him despite trying a lot. I am so sorry for that Apa, I will do whatever I can to keep you alive for ages for you in the future. Even though I couldn't do anything for you, Dai did a lot for you & I think you were satisfied with it. I think you are now with our mother in another world. You didn't meet her for 16 years. I think you had a great quest for meeting our mother and now, your quest comes into reality. We all hope you both are having fun together there. We wish you might rest in peace with our mother together. We will always be grateful with you both. We will always miss you and love you as you used to love us. Thank you so much Apa bringing us in this world. I am always sorry for hurting you undauntedly while we were together. I hope you forgive me because I am you son and I am so proud to be your son. Thank you so much Apa!!!
Yep, I Got Promoted Today! आफ्नो कर्ममा विश्वास गर्छु। कसैको नराम्रो सोच्दिन। सबैजना खुशी भएर बाँच्नुपर्छ भनेर सोच्छु। मैले कसैलाई सत्रु ठानेको पनि छैन। सत्रु बनउँन लायक काम पनि गरेको छैन। मेरो Principle भनेको Do no harm, take no shit हो। जे होस्, मेरो मेहनत, ट्यालेण्ट्स, ईमान्दारिता र स्किल्सको कदर हुँदा खुशी लागेको छ। मलाई थाहा छ, म एउटा खुट्किलो मात्रै चढेको हो, ६ महिनाको सुरुवातीमा। अझै शीखरको यात्रा तय गर्न टाढै छ। तर मलाई यति थाहा छ, यी चालिसकेको पाईलाहरु शीखर नपुगी कुनै हालतमा थाक्ने छैनन्। आपा-आमा, हजुरहरूप्रति म सँधै कृतज्ञ छु। किनभने, म आज जहाँ छु, तपाईंहरुकै आशिर्वादले छु। तपाईंहरु भौतिक रुपमा साथमा नभएपनि, सँधै राम्रो काम गरेर, हजुरहरुको आत्मलाई शान्ति दिने मेरो अन्तर्मनको चाहना छ। अन्त्यमा, Sticks n Sushi लाई र मेरो Head Chef दुबैलाई भूँईसोरी धन्यवाद दिन चाहान्छु। I won’t let down guys. यो मेरो खुशीको पललाई अझै खुशी थप्न, आफूले आफैलाई IPhone 15 Pro गीफ्ट गर्ने पनि घोषणा गर्दछु। किनभने, संसारमा सबैभन्दा ठुलो कुरा भनेको Self Happiness रहेछ। T...
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