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Showing posts from 2017

My Lamentations

I have come to Nepal after the time interval of 4 years from Europe which means I have traveled many different countries of Europe. But I don´t mean to say I hate my country. What I can say is that Kathmandu has become more vulnerable than it used to be. I feel like staying in Kathmandu is to shorten my life expectancy. On the other hand, the prices of everything are almost unaffordable. The taxi driver took Rs. 500 from Chandol to the airport. While I was approaching the TIA from Turkish airlines, I saw the range of Himalayas which I feel like grinning at me for the welcome. I was dying to see these since I went to Europe. Normally, we don´t see the mountains in Europe. When I got off from the airport, everything looked familiar which I felt like I came to the heaven from the hell. But I became emotional every day. I stayed in Kathmandu on my arrival day. Another day, I had to come to my home town Dharan. Another day morning of my arrival, I had to hand over some p...

My Dipawali Resolution

At this Dipawali, I wish all the sisters would wish their brothers to be like world´s best leader Xi Jinping and world´s best football player Leonel Messi. Xi Jinping is the president of the people ´s republic of China who has been doing the miracle in China. Mainly, he has been successful in eradicating the poverty and in reducing air pollution in his country. China has been leaving behind all the countries in Technology. Now, China has the world´s fa stest bullet train which runs 400 km per hour which has been possible in his time. There is no doubt Leonel Messi is the world´s best player who has already won 5 times FIFA player of the year which is the highest record until now leaving behind all. He is a good human being more than a footballer. He is married to a childhood friend whom he has known since he was 5 years old. He has been donating tremendously to poverty-stricken countries through Leo foundation aiming at uplifting the lives of children. We have rarely ...

किरातीहरुले पढ्नैपर्ने एक किराती पौराणिक लोक कथा

  ( तायामा- खियामा- हेछाकुप्पा ) टुहुरो हेछाकुप्पालाई दिदीहरू तायामा र खियामाले हुर्काउन थाले । आमा बाबु नभएको उनीहरूलाई देखेर चाक्लुङ्धिमा राक्षसनीले उनीहरूको खेतबारी र भकारीको सबै अन्न भण्डार खाएर सकिदिई । उनीहरू भोकभोकै रहन थाले । जङ्गलबाट खोक्ली साक्की र गिठ्ठा भ्याकुर ल्याएर खुवाई भाईलाई तायामा र खियामाले हुर्काइ रहेका थिए । त्यो थाहा पाएर चाक्लुङ्धिमाले खोक्ली साक्कीलाई पाताल भसाई । गिठ्ठा भ्याकुरमा खक्पा छर्केर खान नहुने तीतो बनाई । त्यसपछि दिदीहरूले ऐसेलुको रस ल्याएर भाईलाई दिन थाले तर त्यसले भाई बाँच्न नसक्ने भयो । दिदीहरू बुचुकुलकुमा लोहोरो उसिनी राखेर खानेकुरा खोज्न ठाढा गए । हेछाकुप्पा खाने कुरा पाक्दै छ भन्ने सम्झदै र लोहोरोलाई छाम्दै निकै समय पर्खेर बस्यो । जति पर्खदा पनि नपाकेको देखेर ऊ निराश भएर भोकले लड्यो । लड्दा तातो पानी उसको जीउमा प¥यो । भोक, निराश र तातो पानीले ऊ मरेझै बेहोश भयो । दिनभर तायामा र खियामाल जङ्गलमा खानेकुरा खोज्दा खोज्दा केही पाएनन् । बल्ल बल्ल बनकेरा भेट्टाएका थिए । बेलुका उनीहरूले भाई हेछाकुप्पा मरेको पाए र ज्यादै दुःखी ...

A Meaningful Message From Arnold Schwarzenegger

The famous actor  Arnold Schwarzenegger  posted a picture of him sleeping in the street under his famous bronze statue, and wrote sadly (How times changed). The reason he wrote the sentence was not only because he was old, but because when the governor of California opened the hotel with the statue in front of him. The hotel officials told Arnold: "At any time you can come and have a room reserved  in your name". When Arnold left judgment and went to the hotel, the administration refused to give him a room arguing that the hotel was fully booked. He brought a cover and slept under the statue and asked people to imagine it. He wants to convey a message that when he was in a position they were praising him, and when he lost this position they forgot and did not fulfill their promise to him. Yes, times have changed. Do not trust your position or your owner or your power or your intelligence. All of this will not last. In life after death.

Hard Work For What?

Imaginary Gagan and His Mother The foreign country is like the common place where we get opportunity to meet different people from all over the world. I also have friends from different nationalities. One of them is Gagan who is from India. Going abroad means we have our own responsibilities and promises to our families on our shoulder, so do we. We work in the same company. While we are working, we crack jokes to each other for killing time. Besides these, we never share our miseries. I think this is the only way to be happy being an expatriate. Few weeks before, while I was working, I heard the sound of crying. I thought someone was trying to mock but it wasn´t the mock. One of my friends said that Gagan got a call from India informing that his mother is no more. Suddenly, the whole environment turned into despairing. I was also hurt a lot by the news and his cry and felt so sorry for him. Later on, one of my friends saw that Gagan was dialing the number of his moth...

Bitter Truth Being An Expatriate

A grandfather come to TIA to see off his grandson Few days before I was talking with my two friends who are from the western part of Nepal. They are planning to go to Nepal as I am. We discussed our lives here and about our families. They are both happily married and both have children. Meanwhile, in our conversation, both expressed their emotional feelings when they left the families which also plunged me in. When they think about going Nepal, they feel happy whereas when they think about leaving the families and the country, they feel like not going. One of them said that he went to Nepal last year taking few months leave from the work. The night before the leaving day of family, his son slept with him clutching his hands because his son was afraid of leaving his father. When his son slept, he went to the toilet but suddenly, his son woke up crying asking for his father. Another friend also expressed the same experiences with his family. This is the representative stor...

Who Are The Real Gurkhas?

Gurkha British Army Logo "If a man says he is not afraid of dying he is either lying or is a Gurkha." Sam Maneksha Field Marshell of India Once Hitler said, "If I had Gurkhas, no armies in the world will defeat me." The army chief of Pakistan once stated, "If I had the Gurkhas army with me, I can have a cup of tea in any hotel of New Delhi with no fear." After winning 1986 World Cup Final against England, Diago Maradona said, " We defeated England because they don´t have the Gurkhas in their team." Wherever you live if you feel proud to be Nepali, you are the Gurkha. Sgt. Dilprasad Pun Nepal is the birthplace of Buddha who teaches peace, serenity, kindness and enlightenment to the whole world. Mt. Everest is the roof of the world which also is in my country. We have different aspects to be proud. My country had never been under the colony of any country. So, we don´t have the habit of being under any influence of o...

What Indin Nepalese Say About Us

Seema Subedi Before we support Indian Nepalese, we just think what they think about us. I just watched the live videos of winner of Asia international world 2016 and also winner of Mrs India 2016 Seema Subedi who said that Indian Nepalese have to face the humiliations because Nepalese people go to India to wash dishes which I find very annoying. "Tumari wajase ham sab Nepali Indianko bartan dhonewala keheta he Indiame." It´s so funny. Few days before, I also saw an interview video of a leader from Darjeeling, he said that they never ever imagine and dream of joining with the poor country like Nepal. So, what the hell we are joining hands with them. Bottom line, we are proud to be Nepali in our own country Nepal. Jay Nepal!

We all Nepalese Want Gorkhaland

Being a Nepali it hurts a lot when we hear the news of being insulted and marginalized by others. From the past few days, I have been reading the news of Darjeeling agitation demanding Gurkhaland. Toady, I also read the news of the shot death of four people during the protest against Bengal state government with the pictures. I was deeply affected by that news. After all, wherever we are we are Nepali. Boundaries can´t be the barricade of our feelings. The only slogan of Gurkha is that it is better to die than to be a coward. There is no single history where the Gurkha lost its battle. So, the dream of Gorkhaland will be turned into the reality very soon. What we have to do is that we just have to keep going. We all the Nepalese around the world are with our people. In this time, I am just astonished by the Government of Nepal because it has not spoken anything yet about the Indian government´s insanity towards our Nepalese communities in Darjeeling. But I am op...

The World´s Greatest Failure

Jack Ma He was born in a poor family when china´s cultural revolution was its peak. As a teenager, he used to guide tourists for free just to improve his English. He knew that only way he could get rid of poverty was through education. So, he started applying for different colleges but got rejected from each of them. I applied for Harvard 10 times, got rejected and I told myself that someday I go to teach there. Jack failed university 3 times. He attended Hangzhou University and graduated in 1988 with a bachelor degree in English. Even after applying for 30 different jobs, all he ever faced was a plain rejection of 3 simple words: you are no good. When he applied for the job at KFC, he was the only one who got turned down out 24 people.But that only made him stronger. In 1995, when the internet was blooming, he got shocked when no result appeared from China when he searched ´beer´. And that´s when he came up with an idea of an online marketplace called Alibaba. B...

Unsafe Nepalease Sky

Cpt. Paras Kumar Rai So shattered by the news of plane crash at Lukla Tenzing Hilary airport in Solukhumbu. In which plane crash, pilot Paras Rai and co-pilot  Srijan Manandhar of Goma Air cost their lives and air hostess Pragya Maharjan was injured to death. My heartfelt condolences go to Cpt Paras Rai and co-pilot Srijan Manandhar and pray for the rapid recovery of Pragya Maharjan. Co-Pilot Shrijan Manandhar Every year, we have been losing couples skillful pilots by buying the second handed planes and helicopters from the European countries. Not only we lose the pilots but also we lose the crews of the plane s and helicopters and its boarded passengers. Many surveys have shown that the sky of Nepal is not safe for the flight. But the government has not made any concrete plan for it yet. Air Hostess Pragya Maharjan It's very expensive to study the pilot course for the students who want to do it. For this, we need to go abroad because we don´t have ...

Meaningful Love

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love. But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy. So the young man decided not only  to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand. But there was another problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year. The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, “Will you marry me?” She wiped a tear, said yes, and they were engaged. They agreed that when he got back in one year, they would get married. But tragedy struck. A few days after he left, the girl had a major vehicular accident. It was a head-on collision. When she woke up in the hospital, she saw her father and mother crying. Immediately, she knew there was something wrong. She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damag...

Life has no CTRL+Z

Sometimes you are unsatisfied with your life, while many people in this world are dreaming of living your life... A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of flying. But, A pilot on the plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of returning home. That´s life! Enjoy yours… If wealth is the secret to happiness, then the rich should be dancing on the streets. But only poor kids do that. If power ensures security, then officials should walk unguarded. But those who live simply sleep soundly. If beauty and fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the best marriages. Live simply, walk humbly and Love genuinely… All good will come back to you…

The Kirat Dynasty

Nepal's very first recorded or discovered history began with the Kiratis, who arrived in the 7th or 8th century BCE from the east to the Kathmandu valley (now the capital of Nepal). Little is known about them, other than their deftness as sheep farmers and great fondness for carrying long knives. The Kirats ruled for about 1225 years (800 BCE-300 CE), their reign had a total of 29 kings during that time. Their first and best-remembered king was Yalambar, who is referenced in the epic Mahabharata. In the chronicle of Bansawali William Kirk Patrick mentions that the Kirat rule existed from about 900 BCE to 300 CE. During this long period altogether 29 Kirat Kings ruled over the country. The 29 Kirat Kings were; 1. Yellung Hang or Yalambar 2. Pari Hang 3. Skandhar Hang 4. Balamba Hang 5. Hriti Hang 6. Humati Hang 7. Jitedasti Hang 8. Galinja Hang 9. Oysgja Hang 10. Suyarma Hang 11. Papa Hang 12. Bunka Hang 13. Swawnanda Hang 14. Sthunko Hang 15. Jinghri Hang ...