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Showing posts from August, 2017

किरातीहरुले पढ्नैपर्ने एक किराती पौराणिक लोक कथा

  ( तायामा- खियामा- हेछाकुप्पा ) टुहुरो हेछाकुप्पालाई दिदीहरू तायामा र खियामाले हुर्काउन थाले । आमा बाबु नभएको उनीहरूलाई देखेर चाक्लुङ्धिमा राक्षसनीले उनीहरूको खेतबारी र भकारीको सबै अन्न भण्डार खाएर सकिदिई । उनीहरू भोकभोकै रहन थाले । जङ्गलबाट खोक्ली साक्की र गिठ्ठा भ्याकुर ल्याएर खुवाई भाईलाई तायामा र खियामाले हुर्काइ रहेका थिए । त्यो थाहा पाएर चाक्लुङ्धिमाले खोक्ली साक्कीलाई पाताल भसाई । गिठ्ठा भ्याकुरमा खक्पा छर्केर खान नहुने तीतो बनाई । त्यसपछि दिदीहरूले ऐसेलुको रस ल्याएर भाईलाई दिन थाले तर त्यसले भाई बाँच्न नसक्ने भयो । दिदीहरू बुचुकुलकुमा लोहोरो उसिनी राखेर खानेकुरा खोज्न ठाढा गए । हेछाकुप्पा खाने कुरा पाक्दै छ भन्ने सम्झदै र लोहोरोलाई छाम्दै निकै समय पर्खेर बस्यो । जति पर्खदा पनि नपाकेको देखेर ऊ निराश भएर भोकले लड्यो । लड्दा तातो पानी उसको जीउमा प¥यो । भोक, निराश र तातो पानीले ऊ मरेझै बेहोश भयो । दिनभर तायामा र खियामाल जङ्गलमा खानेकुरा खोज्दा खोज्दा केही पाएनन् । बल्ल बल्ल बनकेरा भेट्टाएका थिए । बेलुका उनीहरूले भाई हेछाकुप्पा मरेको पाए र ज्यादै दुःखी ...

A Meaningful Message From Arnold Schwarzenegger

The famous actor  Arnold Schwarzenegger  posted a picture of him sleeping in the street under his famous bronze statue, and wrote sadly (How times changed). The reason he wrote the sentence was not only because he was old, but because when the governor of California opened the hotel with the statue in front of him. The hotel officials told Arnold: "At any time you can come and have a room reserved  in your name". When Arnold left judgment and went to the hotel, the administration refused to give him a room arguing that the hotel was fully booked. He brought a cover and slept under the statue and asked people to imagine it. He wants to convey a message that when he was in a position they were praising him, and when he lost this position they forgot and did not fulfill their promise to him. Yes, times have changed. Do not trust your position or your owner or your power or your intelligence. All of this will not last. In life after death.

Hard Work For What?

Imaginary Gagan and His Mother The foreign country is like the common place where we get opportunity to meet different people from all over the world. I also have friends from different nationalities. One of them is Gagan who is from India. Going abroad means we have our own responsibilities and promises to our families on our shoulder, so do we. We work in the same company. While we are working, we crack jokes to each other for killing time. Besides these, we never share our miseries. I think this is the only way to be happy being an expatriate. Few weeks before, while I was working, I heard the sound of crying. I thought someone was trying to mock but it wasn´t the mock. One of my friends said that Gagan got a call from India informing that his mother is no more. Suddenly, the whole environment turned into despairing. I was also hurt a lot by the news and his cry and felt so sorry for him. Later on, one of my friends saw that Gagan was dialing the number of his moth...