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Showing posts from January, 2020

No Racism, We Are From The Same World

"Today my daughter changed her profile picture. After maybe 5 minutes I get a text ..” I didn’t know she was dating a black boy, did you?” It took me all day to  think up a response, which I didn’t send personally but thought I would share for anyone else that “may not know” Yes, in fact, I did know, but the color of his skin doesn’t define who he is. What does he define who is he is how he treats my daughter? I see my daughter dating a boy that comes to my house and shows me nothing but respect (a big deal in my book). It’s always Yes Ma’am, No Ma’am, we talk about  football and baseball, he tells me bye when he leaves, and has not once shown me a lack of manners or respect. I see my daughter dating a boy who treats her well. He takes her on dates, to ballgames, out to eat..not to a club or partying on the weekends. I see my daughter dating a boy who takes her to church with him. Every Sunday. He plays in the band, she sits with his family. How many young men the