Cpt. Paras Kumar Rai So shattered by the news of plane crash at Lukla Tenzing Hilary airport in Solukhumbu. In which plane crash, pilot Paras Rai and co-pilot Srijan Manandhar of Goma Air cost their lives and air hostess Pragya Maharjan was injured to death. My heartfelt condolences go to Cpt Paras Rai and co-pilot Srijan Manandhar and pray for the rapid recovery of Pragya Maharjan. Co-Pilot Shrijan Manandhar Every year, we have been losing couples skillful pilots by buying the second handed planes and helicopters from the European countries. Not only we lose the pilots but also we lose the crews of the plane s and helicopters and its boarded passengers. Many surveys have shown that the sky of Nepal is not safe for the flight. But the government has not made any concrete plan for it yet. Air Hostess Pragya Maharjan It's very expensive to study the pilot course for the students who want to do it. For this, we need to go abroad because we don´t have ...
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