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French Foreign Legion

Joining the French Foreign Legion This is an information page .  I am  NOT  a recruiting officer of the French Foreign Legion and this is  NOT  a recruiting website of the Foreign Legion. So, how to join the French Foreign Legion? The  only  possibility to join the Foreign Legion is to go to mainland France ( in EUROPE ) and knock on the door of one of the  Foreign Legion recruiting centers  ( free board, lodging and clothing are immediately provided by the Legion ). You will be enlisted as a single man, even if you are married. The first contract you sign up is for  5 years . Entry Requirements to join the French Foreign Legion What DOES matter : to be a man between 17 and 40 years ( for more detailed information about the age limit see:  What is the age limit for joining the French Foreign Legion exactly? ) to have a valid ID  – the presentation of any identity cards ( on current validity ) delivered by the State of membership of the candidate is asked so as to facilita

World's Most Expensive and Most Popular Movie Cameras

World's Most Expensive and Most Popular Movie Cameras 1) Red One  2) Panavision Genesis  3) Dalsa Origin  4) Thompson Viper FilmStream  5) Arri D-21  6) Sony F23 and F35

Bishnu Shrestha is a great warrior

Every Nepali has to read it at least once. My eyes became wet when I read it. Bishnu  Shrestha This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. No cleanup reason has been specified. Please help improve this article if you can. (April 2012) The Sena Medal, awarded by the Indian Government "for such individual acts of exceptional devotion to duty or courage as have special significance for the Army." Bishnu Shrestha (Nepali: बिष्णु श्रेष्ठ) (born 1975 in Parbat District, Nepal) is a retired Gurkha soldier in the Indian army and recipient of the Sena Medal for bravery,and the Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak medal, both awarded for his gallant conduct during an armed train robbery. Contents Shrestha was born in Bachchha Deurali Khola, ward no. 9 of Parbat District in the western part of Nepal. This area is a remote but legendary and fertile land of Gurkhas where 80 percent of the residents are Gurung people, who dominate British and Indian Gurkha

Story of success despite failure

J.K Rowling, the author of  Harry Potter ,  spoke to the graduating class  of Harvard in June 2008. She didn’t talk about success.  She talked about failures . Her own in particular. I absolutely love her quote. “You might never fail on the scale I did,” Rowling told that privileged audience. “But it is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default. She should know. The author didn’t magically become richer than the Queen of England overnight. Penniless, recently divorced, and raising a child on her own, she wrote the first Harry Potter book on an old manual typewriter. Twelve publishers rejected the manuscript!  A year later she was given the green light by Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury, who agreed to publish the book but insisted she get a day job cause there was  no money in children’s books. What if she stopped at the first rejection? The fifth? Or the ten